Test Drive

October 12th

10/12/2023 was a scrimmage. The Servo Ray team got 4th place. The problems that we had were: our arm was not really working that well and we had trouble pushing the pixel because there were no sides to hold it when the robot turned. By the 3rd round we got an autonomous which really helped our score, most of our alliances did not really have much on their robot. Our team learned a lot, for example, we should not have the power on the side of the robot because there's a chance that another robot might run into it. Some things we need to fix are: the motor on the right side of the robot, change the claw (had a hard time picking up a pixel), and add sides to the shovel.

November 10th

We did not have much to work on, we have all of the programming that our robot could need with its current features, so Hannah and Serenity practiced moving the robot across the field and putting pixels on the backboard. We were successful a couple of times but the success was quick to go away because if the robot bumped into the backboard or was too close the pixel in our claw would not land on the backboard and the pixels on the backboard would fall off. We hope to practice more in the practice area tomorrow before the competition starts. We also worked on zip-tying all the wires to the robot so they wouldn't get caught on anything and mess up a round. After that, we began to pack everything we would need for the competition tomorrow. Emily worked on making more paper airplanes for us to use tomorrow since she won't be there to make them.Â