Drivetrain Day 2 - 9/6/22

Staring to build

This class period, we started where we left off. During the beginning of class, we had  nothing but a platform with the four motors and wheels attatched to it. 

We needed to attatch them both together using shorter pieces chambers.

we built a C shaped chamber (the one to the left) to attatch the platforms together.

Attatched base without wheels

this was the final product once both sides of the robot were attatched with the short chambers. 

We decided to make theopen part of the channels face the inside of the robot so we could add attatchments easily.

This also made it easier to attatch the channels. 

Drive train with wheels

We added omni-directional wheels to the design so the robot could smoothly perform turns.

The four wheel drive allows us to travel over objects easily.

Battery Platform

We needed to attatch the battery to the robot

Attatching the Control Hub

To attatch the control Hub, we ran into several issuues