Lift Design 

Block 3- Katie

As far as I know, I believe we already have created at least a prototype for a lift. My only suggestion would be adding tracks so that it would work better.  -Katie (9-26-22)

Lauren 9/28/22

Today, we began to think about other prototypes for the lifr becuase the scissor lift most likely will not be the best option, and it will not work the way that we were hoping. Below, is a drawing of the new prototype. It was a hybrid of the second lift option on the first REV video, and the claw on the last video. 

A motor will be attatched to a gear, which will cause a bar to rotate (this bar will be able to extend). At the end of this bar, a large pole will be attatched with the claw hanging downwards. Above the gear, a rubber band will be attached to the pole with the claw so it stays upright in all positions. 

When the gear turns, the bar will rise, and it will also extend the pole, causing it to go over the tallest yellow pole in the playing feild. 

The claw will not open or close, however, it will have wheels attatched to servos in order to "suck" the cups into the claw. so it can be held. 

Block 1 Santanne 

As of right now, we were having some issues with how our design would work properly and some problems with the size limit too.

October 6

Today I did not have much time in class as I was helping out Mrs. Williams, so I do not have any pictures or drawings done specifically by me. It is my understanding though that our new lift is sort of like an N shape. Mr Newman helped me brainstorm and try ways to actually make it work successfully.  We got closer but there are still a few issues. -Katie

October 6

Lauren - I was absent this day, but based on last calss period, the lift sort of began to work, but I beleive that we might be going a simpler route. I was thinking about how the string/rubber band would attatch to the lift to make stay vertical, but I don't think it will work the way we want it to.