Drone Launcher

October 18th

Today we worked on the drone launcher, it almost works, the first rubber band broke because it was too small and was pulling too far so we ended up using the bigger size. We used the servo to release the rubber band but it kept getting caught on the rodes, so we're going to have to change the design on it. Hannah worked on redoing the shovel as the pixels would slide under it now that the robot was at an angle, after Hannah was done with the shovel she began to work on the hook that our robot would be hanging from. Emily made paper airplanes in different styles in a bigger size this time, Allison did not do much today, however, she did get the paper that Emily needed for the planes. Hannah and I still haven't fixed the front of the robot problem (the rodes sticking out and being sharp) we plan to do that next class.

October 18th

Worked on finalizing our Drone design and making extras of our design. From the Link above, Emily made one of each. They each fly different and as we get closer to competition, my team will decide which of the paper airplanes we will use. In the current, we have 6 potential competition planes: 2 of each of the 3 designs, with one blue and one red. 

October 20th

Serenity worked on putting the servo on the attachment for the drone launcher, we still have to program it, and after we finish the program we should be able to adjust the drone launcher accordingly. 

November 8th

Today Allison worked on getting better at programming on a website that teaches the program that we use for competition. Emily worked on building the right drone for our drone launcher, she made some in the colors red, blue, and white. Red for red alliance, blue for blue alliance, and white to practice on so we don't have to use our game ones and mess them up. Hannah and Serenity practiced driving the robot and putting pixels on the backboard. 

November 27

Serenity found this great design. We need to 3D print it which will take time before we can actually put it on our robot but it is a much better design then we had before and I think if we have this at our competitions (with our completed items), we will score really high.

December 5

We replicated a design and modified it to work with what we have available. We started testing it out using the drone that was chosen but next class we might test it more with different designs as well.

December 11

We attached it to the side, facing the back.

December 13

We worked on the drone designs.

December 15

Today we determined that this 

<-- is the best design for our drone.

January 10 & 12

We worked on making the official drones for the competition.


This replaces the plastic L-piece. The metal is harder and less bendable, so it is less likely to break if the slider slips up. 


Mr Newman added this after telling him about the problem with getting the drone to stay when we drive around the mat. The screw allows it to stay but is connected to the metal piece holding the slider. This is good because it will be out of the way when we launch the drone. 

Jan 17th and 19th

Working on the official drones.

Jan 23

Today we studied the design of the two drones that preformed the best at the competition.  We determined that the wing width was too long and are testing drones with shorter wingspans.