
October 26

Today Hannah and I worked on the hook we traded the plastic for metal. We then connected the arms wire to the control hub to test it out, as we were testing out the hook, we noticed that the robot would continue to disconnect from its wifi. So as a solution, we turned both the robot and the driver hub off for a little bit, and when we turned both back on and restarted the robot, it helped a little bit. Once we got the hook onto the pole it would hang from we saw that it was only picking up the back of the robot, so we moved the arm to the middle of the robot, and that made it pick/lift up none of the robot. We decided to not make our main focus on the hook today so we began to work on the claw. We did not really have any new ideas so we just modified the claw we already had and practiced how it would pick up the pixels and we came to the conclusion that the best way for the claw to work would be if the pixels were upright and were dropped at an angel. Emily came over and helped us put/attach the extension of the claw onto the arm. We attached one side making it secure however based on the the robot is designed we had trouble attaching the other side/securing it. Allison was absent today. (I forgot the take pictures of the arm so I will add those next time I'm in class.)

New motor

The wires zip tied

November 1st

Today, we worked on the arm and claw of our robot. We started out by driving around, testing our arm and claw. We still need to program the claw to open and close. We also organized and finished labeling all of our wires as well as zip tying them to each other and to the rest of the robot. Emily (I think) also cut the sides of the shovel because it kept dragging on the ground. I also worked on placing double gears for the arm instead of just one so less stress is on one single gear. After school last class, I replaced the motor with a stronger one so it can lift our robot off of the ground. 

November 6th

Today I was the only member of my team at school, the rest of them were off doing college tours, so I had my teacher, Mr.Newman help me for most of the day. First I worked on zip tying some of the wires to the bottom of the base of the robot to get them out of the way. Then I worked with Mr.Newman to set the claw in the 0 position, once that was done we began to fix the program a little bit, and lastly we worked on trying to get the hook on the Rigger again but with the new motor. IT LIFTED THE WHOLE ROBOT!!!! However, we had to constantly press the button that brought the arm down, so we added a piece in the robot's code that whenever we pressed Y it would hold the robot's arm in the lowest form to keep it hanging on its own. Oh, and I also added a pole to the back of the robot to support its weight.

November 8th

Today Allison worked on getting better at programming on a website that teaches the program that we use for competition. Emily worked on building the right drone for our drone launcher, she made some in the colors red, blue, and white. Red for red alliance, blue for blue alliance, and white to practice on so we don't have to use our game ones and mess them up. Hannah and I for maybe the first 30 minutes of class practice driving the robot and putting pixels on the backboard.