Hannah Price

Game Review 

Scoring Guide

Autonomous: Use prop piece for extra points, and shovel to push pixel over to the  back

Driver Control: Mosaic, deliver 2 pixels at a time to the back and backboard

Endgame: strategy for mosaic will be made later, hang the robot, one pixel in claw and one in shovel to score, launch drone.

Robot needs to get under and around the truss in every single round as well as be able to get pixels on the backdrop in Driver Control and Endgame. 

Scoring guide:

Ideas for robot build

(sorry they're sideways)

FTC Test Bed

Battery charges the robot.

Two of the Servo's will be used as a drone launcher.

Two more Servo's will be used for the claw. 

The sensor will be used for detecting color like the wall of the arena as well as any pixels that we need to move. 

The webcam will be to see where we're going

I connected the servo motors along with the sensors and the webcam. I also help put the base together.

Engineering Notes 9-26-23

Today, my team worked on our drive train. We worked on the shovel design and adding a temporary one to the robot. We struggled with the hot glue but in the end, it came out ok. We plan to, for the finished design, is drawing our logo on the shovel to better customize our robot.  We also worked on the wheels, correcting and straightening them. We re-did/added the motors so they could make the wheels function correctly. (We finished our test bed last class so we didn't need to work on that today.) This week, we need to have a finalized plan for the arm and claw and hopeful start the build. I also need to complete the poster for our group.

We attached the shovel to the robot with screws through the cardboard. This allowed us to get a general idea of what we want our shovel to look like and how we want it to look like. We plan to have the shovel white and with our logo.

The shovel is temporary. On the inside, by the sides, are little holders. We glued it together to make it more sturdy because the sides were sticking out.

I also helped with setting up and putting together the lego table. I put velcro onto all of the challenge pieces as well as putting the center piece together.

Engineering Notes 10-2-23

Today I worked on adding the spot for the drive hub and the battery. It was difficult because we had to do a lot of rearranging because it was difficult to put everything on the short base of the arm. Adding the base on the bottom also required a lot of effort because the spacing isn't exactly lined up so it is a little bent and we had to hold it down in order to put the screws on. I also put the power switch on as well as helping Serenity put on the motor for the arm. 

Engineering Notes 10-4-23

Today, Serenity and I worked on adding the drive hub and battery to where we wanted it on the robot. We also finalized our plan for the arm and the claw as well as did the programming for the driving (thank you for that). We fixed the right motor because it was messing up when we were trying to turn the robot. For the shovel, we removed the cardboard piece and put the metal piece because our robot didn't fit within the 18 inches maximum requirement. There was a lot of reorganizing happening because we originally had the drive hub connected to the arm and the battery where it is now. Today was the first day we actually drove the robot and it allowed us to look at and fix any problems that were observed.

Foam at the base of the 'treasure chest' (our item) fore more sturdiness and so it doesn't fold or collapse in the middle. We still need to add the top and the bottom.

Here you can see the new shovel in order to fit the parameters of the challenge. 

The drive hub is on the bottom along with the battery for more balance of the robot because if it isn't balanced and the arm moves, the entire thing could tip. 

Engineering Notes 10-16-23

Today, Serenity and Allison talked to us about what happened at the scrimmage. We tried to fix a lot of the problems that we addressed in our discussion.

During scrimmage:

kept sweeping pieces under. First, we re-arranged the entire robot. We moved the arm base, the battery, and the control hub further to the back. I worked on redoing  the shovel design because when we switched around the wheels, the base was too far off of the ground, allowing a pixel to slide under instead of being picked up and moved by the shovel. I didn't finish that but I got the idea in my head and I got the base of it finished. I just need to work on the arms. I also moved the power button from the side to the bottom since it isn't allowed to be "easy to access" on the playing field.  We also moved the motors for the wheels to the bottom to allow more space for the arm to function. We worked on driving, reorganizing, rearranging, and adding things to the robot. 

Sorry! I only managed to get those two because we forgot to take pictures at the end.

Serenity working on the gear for the motor that we ended up not using.

Part of the robot was disassembled when we were working on the wheels.

Engineering Notes 10-18-23 

Today was kind of a slow day. I spent almost the entire class period working on the shovel for our robot. I kept messing up, either getting the measurements wrong (the pixal would slide under the robot) or the entire design didn't work out. At first, I just put zip ties on the side but it didn't give support so the flaps just swung out. I then put Velcro on the top and zip ties on the side to keep it sturdy and functional. I then fixed the wheels because they weren't secured to the robot (you could just pull them out) so I just put a shaft coller on it and it worked. For the last 5-10 minutes of class, I started working on the hook for the robot to hang from, I attached it to the robot. It's not in the correct place but I wanted to just get it on there before the bell rang.

You can see the velco on the top of the flaps holding it together. 

The sides were what I was working on today. 

This is the hook. I still need to work on placement and how it's going to work but this is the idea.

Engineering Notes 10-20-23

Today I worked on the hook. I looked at the placement and a better design  for the hook, making sure it will stay when we attempt to lift the robot off of the ground at competition. The angle of the hook is super important, if it's not at the correct angle, it won't hook onto the rod and the entire thing won't work. We also need to make sure that it doesn't fall off of the rod with the weight of the robot. I also started to work on the business card but haven't finished that yet. 

Picture of the new hook. I believe that it will stay at that angle. 

The arm is what Serenity was working on today.

Engineering Notes 10-24-23 

Today wasn't super interesting. We started driving, working on our hook and things like that. One thing that happened was our robot kept disconnecting to the drive hub. We charged the battery so next class, we'll see if that fixed the problem. Later, we took off our claw and started looking for other claw ideas. We found one we really, really like but the problem is, we can't find the parts required to build it. We plan to keep looking next class but we might end up needing to come up with something else. 

Instructions for claw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0kqT-_k3Mw 

This is pretty much the only picture I have. This is from the youtube video. I haven't drawn it out yet because there's not point if we don't have the pieces to build it.

Engineering Notes 10-26-23

Today we worked on the claw, arm, and driving. We first started out trying out our hook. This showed us that our arm motor is way too weak to lift the weight of our entire robot. We worked on that for a while before deciding to focus on the claw. First, we moved the battery to the back, allowing for more space for out arm. This way, the base doesn't get in the way of the arm. This also gave us a chance to further secure our arm base by putting screws on both sides, something we didn't have before. I also but a spacer on one of the gears on the arm because it kept moving. We then started working on claw ideas. We rearranged some things until we got it how we liked. Near the end of class, we struggled to connect the claw to the servo. Once we got the idea, we started to clean up, deciding to work on it next class. 

Unfinished arm

The arm and control hub

Battery moved to the back

Engineering Notes 10-30-23

Today Emily and I worked on the claw. I actually like the design ok and it actually works pretty good. We got to drive it and this is the first time that we used the claw and drive chassis at the same time. We tested it out, trying to put a pixel on the backboard and after some trial-and-error, we managed to get it.  We had to figure out placing for the claw and the holder with the white foam but we got it to where we like it.  I also replaced and tightened the gears so it would slip less, After school, I also started to attach the new motor for the arm but never got a chance to cheak it. We also don't have a engineering notebook entry yet but we'll have it next class. 

Picture of completed claw and stopper.

Picture of the gears

How the claw will sit when it is closed. 

Engineering Notes 11-1-23

Today, we worked on the arm and claw of our robot. We started out by driving around, testing our arm and claw. We still need to program the claw to open and close. We also organized and finished labeling all of our wires as well as zip tying them to each other and to the rest of the robot. Emily (I think) also cut the sides of the shovel because it kept dragging on the ground. I also worked on placing double gears for the arm instead of just one so less stress is on one single gear. After school last class, I replaced the motor with a stronger one so it can lift our robot off of the ground. 

The shorter shovel

The two gears

New motor

The wires zip tied

Engineering Notebook 11-6-23  

I was absent today

Engineering Notebook 11-8-23

I didn't do a lot today but I worked on the hook as well as practicing driving around. I straightened out the arm so it wouldn't be so lopsided. I also zip tied the motors to the top so the wheels wouldn't be out so much and it really seemed to help. We worked on timing ourselves as practice for the meet. 

I had to raise the bar in order for the arm to be straight.

Us testing the arm.

Making sure our robot can hang

The zip ties on the motors to help the wheels.

11-10-23 Engineering Notebook 

Today I worked on the hook for our robot so it can hang, giving us an extra 20 points. I had trouble placing the hook in the right spot because I didn't want it too miss the bar so I had to line it up to the bar before we could hang it. I also practiced driving with Serenity and we also worked on organizing our wires so it looks less messy. 

MEET 1 COMPETITION (Ranked: 6th)


 At the meet, we did pretty good. We won 3, lost 1, and tied 1. We had a goal for each of our rounds: to put 2 pixels on the backboard and hang the robot within the last 30 seconds. We did manage to get 2 on the backboard but we didn't hang it on our 4th round (qualifier 17) because I messed up then both Serenity and I got confused so we ran out of time.  Although 6th place is good, I know we could've done better, I just needed to communicate better with Serenity.

11-14-2023 Engineering Notebook

Today, Serenity and I practiced driving. We worked on trying to make a mosaic on the backboard. We worked on driving and we timed ourselves for 3 minutes to try to get used to the time limit. I left around 3 so we didn't have a ton of practice time before I left.

11-16-23 Engineering Notebook

Free 100 :)

11-27-23 Engineering Notebook

Today Serenity and I worked on a design for our drone launcher. She found a really good design for it. We need to 3D print it so we're working on the measurements and design of the actual launcher before we can print it out. It will take a while because we are both new to the program and it is a complicated shape, especially for people who don't really know how it works. 

DRONE LAUNCHER DESIGN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myP1QPth3ZU 

Drone Launcher

We also re-did our t-shirt design because we switched manufactures. 

This is the end goal for the drone launcher

This shows how they mounted it to their robot. Although ours isn't the same, its a good reference.

11-29-2023 Engineering Notebook

Today, Serenity and I worked on our posters and business cards. We printed our posters out onto two big poster boards. We were going to laminate them but when we tried to do it on smaller papers to test it on, we weren't successful. This took most of the day, but towards the end of class, we worked on trying to make business cards but the sizing was difficult to get right for each of the cards so it took a while. We had to stay after school so we could get it right. 

Front of the poster

Back of poster

12-1-2023 Engineering Notebook

Today, Serenity and I worked on preparing for the competition. We packed our box, did our business cards as well as practicing driving and putting pixels onto the backboard.

Business cards

Front of the cards

Back of the cards

12-5-2023 Engineering Notebook

Today was our first day after our meet. It went pretty well, we got fourth overall, losing 1 round, tying 1, and winning the other three. We kept records of our allinces' robot, how the match went and things like that. We decided to work on the drone launcher in order to score more points.  We were testing it at the end of class, working on how tight we needed the rubber band in order to control the speed and the distance the drone will go.

Drone Launcher 

Picture of drone launcher we built.

12-7-2023 Engineering Notebook

Today, Serenity and I worked on improving the drone launcher. We attached it to the robot and programmed it to launch when Serenity presses "A". When practicing, we had a problem with the rubber band being to stretched  out, so we decided that we were going to change the rubber band either after every one or two qualifiers so it launches the paper plane correctly. 


picture of drone launcher

12-11-2023 Engineering Notebook

Today I felt really, really bad but I tried to help Serenity the best I could. We worked on the drone launcher and practicing driving around. We had a problem with the plane falling out when we drove around as well as the distance the plane would go. We tried to add zip ties to the rubber bands but it would just fold the plane over instead of launching it. We worked on getting a mosaic and launching the plane. 


Serenity and I driving, trying to launch the drone

Picture of the launcher attached to the robot

12-13-2023 Engineering Notebook

I was absent today.

12-15-2023 Engineering Notebook

Today, Serinty and I practiced driving. We wanted to focus on what would get us the most amount of points. Instead of spending a whole bunch of points trying to get a mosaic, we decided to try to get 3 pixels on the backboard and as many pixels into the backstage area as we can, we'll launch our drone, and hook our robot. We also had a little bit of a problem with charging the drive hub so we couldn't practice all class like we would have liked.

Serinty and I hanging the robot

1-10-24 Engineering Notebook

Today, I worked will Allison to fix the drone launcher, we worked on a lot of different solutions to keep the drone from flying out when we don't want it too. After trying to come up with a solution for this for most of class, we moved onto another problem with our launcher. The mechanism that holds the actual launcher for the plane slips sometimes so we decided to work on that instead. We replaced the plastic part with metal so it bends less. I forgot to take a picture. When we go to class I'll get one then add it to the drone launcher tab. 


This metal replaced the plastic. It bends less so the slider is less likely to slip. 

1-12-24 Engineering Notebook

Today, I worked on the drone launcher and trying the get the drone to stay. Finally, Mr. Newman put a long screw by the stopper which will hold it in place but not be in the way when the drone launches. That was our main problem because we couldn't come up with anything to do that. Next, I worked on our team website but my computer was super slow and some of the websites wouldn't let me log in so I didn't manage to publish anything.


This screw holds the drone down so it doesn't fly away when we are driving. The screw will move with the metal peice so it's not in the way when it's time to launch the drone. 

1-17-2024 Engineering Notebook

Today was kind of a slow day, we didn't have a lot to work on besides practicing our driving and we were planning on doing that but the box with all of the nuts and screws broke (the bottom broke and it spilled everywhere) so I spent most of class pre-packing for the 3rd meet and putting all of the nuts and screws into a new container. Emily was working on making more drones with a cute font while Allison was working on the drone launcher and try to work out everyting. For example, with the new improvements made, it does kind of hinder when the drone flies so she was working on that. 

1-19-2024 Engineering Notebook

Today, Serenity and I mostly practiced driving. We had issues with the battery disconnecting so we zip-tied it down. We also worked on putting the pixels on the backboard. We also adjusted the drone launcher and changed out the rubber band so the plane would launch further. 

Serenity and I practicing our driving.

1-25-24 Engineering Notebook

Today all Serenity and I did was print out everything that we need like all of our business cards and our team number that goes on our robot when we are competing. We also laminated all of things so they last longer and look better. 

This is the front of the card

This is the back

1-29-2024 Engineering Notebook

Today I worked on cutting out our business cards as well as working on the design for the tri-fold board. I helped Serintey add our new team number to our robot and it makes it look really cute. We also worked on the layout for our area. We looked at the treasure chest in Mrs Pattillo's room and when she gets back to school, we'll ask her if we can borrow it.

Screenshot of a basic layout of what we want our tri-fold to look like.

Picture of the zipties that serintey replaced the screw with.

Picture of the new team number.

Picture of the cut out, laminated business cards.

1-31-2024 Engineering Notebook

Today I worked on material and layout for our tri-fold poster board.  I added things like: 

-materials we used

-problems we had to fix

-general concepts (ideas)


and other things that we haven't finished like 


-our scores




This is a layout. It'll probably change but this is all we have right now. 

2-2-2024 Engineering Notebook

Today I just worked on adding information to our trifold doc. We're putting it on a doc then we'll print it out an put it on the board. 


2-6-2024 Engineering Notebook

Today, I printed and cut out all of the paragraphs, headings, titles, and pictures that were on the document. Me and Serintey worked on placement of everything on the trifold, how we wanted it to look, the design, and things like that. 

This is a picture of the final poster and what we want it to look like. All we need to add is our number, name, and logo at the top. 

2-8-2024 Engineering Notebook

Today, I worked on our portfolio, fixing it up and making it look as professional and pretty as possible. I printed it out and clipped it so serintry could take it home and put it in the binder. I also helped pack up our box and tools for the competition on Saturday. 


This is a picture of the front page of the portfolio

2-20-2024 Engineering Notebook

Robot Deconstruction...

So sad :(  we deconstructed the robot and organized the pieces for reuse next year.