
Lauren Ramos

Today, we began by reconnecting the battery to the robot becuase last class period, the robot had some issues with the power source. When i came to the robot today, the robot would not turn on, so we had to connect the battery to the control hub. 

We also started by extending the claw and the lift of the robot and realized that the wires were all over the place, so we begna to organize them, but ran into a different problem: the wires weren't long enough to reach the control hub and allow the robot to extend fully. 

To solve this problem, we decided to attatch the control hub to the lower, stationary part of the lift so it will be higher up, will reach all of the necessary parts, and will become more organized. 

This causes two problems. The control hub no longer reaches the switch or the battery. To solve this, we will be moving the on and off switch closer to the stationary base of the lift, and remounting the battery to its origional location (between both of the brakets of the robot).

we will also be using zipties and labels to clean up the wires.

To the right is a picture of the robot before organization, and to the left is after all of these adjustments:



We also went in and created tags and labels using mailign labels to help program faster. The labels say the name of the motor, and which port it is connected to. 

We also began to make the team number cards for the robot. We used an old folder for cardboard and a border. Katie needs to attatch them to the robot and start coding the remote. 


The battery seemed to be dead last class. We also organized the wires so that it would look better.  We had to move the hub and switch to do this.

Katie Mattimoe- 3rd Block- November 8, 2022

Ok, Mr. Newman told me to organize the rest of the wires, but I started to and realized I wasn't doing it right. I decided it would be best to leave it up to you Lauren because you seem to have more of a plan. I will be using velcro to attach the number cards. I wilI plan to start coding the robot. 

I just attached the numbers you can see in picture 1.  

Ok, I went to start coding it, but the battery was completely dead so I plugged that in. 

Picture 1