Allison Grant

FTC Game Review

Some questions:

FTC Scoring Strategy


🐚Gear (Arm)

-Rotates the arm to pick up the pixels

🐚Gears (Frame)

-Helps to speed up the robot and turns the wheels

🐚Motors (Arm)

-Turns the gear that rotates the arm

🐚Motors (Frame)

-Turn the gears that turn the wheels and is used to pull the string that extends the multi-stage arm

🐚Motors (Claw)

-Opens, closes, and allows the claw to bend

🐚Multi-stage arm

-Extends using a string so we may maintain the maximum height for our robot


-Powers our robot


-Used to control our robot

🐚Front wheels

-Not turned by a motor, used to make our robot even on all 4 sides

🐚Back wheels

-Steers the robot and allows it to move


I helped plan for future outreach event and how to design our robot. I designed a sticker for our future goodie bags to hand out during an event. I discussed multiple future plans for a variety of events within this school year for robots.

This is the sticker design. I have placed our team name, number, logo, and email along with our school name. I made it a blue color that would be appealing to both adults and children. We chose to make it circular due to it giving a more professional look.


Cut up all of the pieces nessasary for our treasure chest piece for feild


We hot glued all of our wooden pieces together and started on painting our pieces (we finger painted and it got everywhere) but we did not finish today.


We finished painting an hot gluing everything and now we just need to add a top!


I went to our scrimmage, our robot wasn't charged so we had to charge it, our left motor broke during the final match, our wires were too everywhere, our on/off switch was too open.  We fixed most of these problems and got 4th place!


Today I went in and I made a sling shot type thing for our drone to get deployed from. I designed and planned out a few possible future projects but we decided to hold off on them for now. Me and Emily went into the hall way and tried out different types of drones to figure out which one would work best with our design.


Me and Emily Stephens worked on more paper airplanes of a bigger size and multiple colors. We also talked about possible ways of improving our robot or things that might go wrong such as a variable in what we originally were predicting circumstances to be like


I was absent today so I just looked over any notes my team may have added so I can keep up to date as to what is happening in the classroom.


I was absent this day for family stuff.


I was absent today as well, still doing family stuff.


I was absent today because my flight got cancled so I came in late. :(


I helped Emily gather paper and improvise new ways we could build the paper planes


I helped make the paper planes(and did a bad job)


I was not here today


Me and Emily built legos for FLL!


Today we continued helping Mr. Newman create the FLL projects. We followed the instructions to put together three new ones. I built a lego rollercoaster finished the boat I had started the previous class, and we created a colorful spinny thing. 


Built more stuff

Each build was unique.

We followed instructions to build them,

but they are set up for the kids doing FLL to learn from

and use in their competitions.


I was absent today


I helped collec tpapers and try to find ways we could fit our plane to match the guidelines


I helped collect papers and try to find ways we could fit our plane to match the guidelines


I worked on finishing my engineering notebook


I did the outreach and helped to work on the team introduction and the page numbers as well as our construction section


Today I helped with the robot and Emily taught me how to make the drones!

All the drones I made


Today I worked more on the drones and how to make them fly well and high enough to go over both walls.

More drones I made


My drones are finally even enough to go to events!

Drones that Emily helped me make


Today I worked on more drones and the robot and Emily was aking our drones look awesome!

Emily making a 3d drone thing


I worked on drones again since the FTC comp passed but I wasn't feeling good today so I only made a few.

My best drone so far


I was going to be absent for this class period so I worked on practice drones with the help of someone in my Spanish class. I taught her how to make the drones and told her about what we do in robots and why we needed the drones.


I was absent today with the flu


Still absent today


Today I helped Emily make oragami stuff, I forgot to take photos