Drive Chassis

October 2nd

Today Serenity worked on attaching the motor and gears that we would be using to lift the robot, and the black thin square things to the robot for the battery (with velcro), and the drive hub. We came across a problem when we tried to put the drive hub on, as it could not attach as we put the thin black square thing on the wrong way, and before we could fix it class ended. Lastly, before we left for the day we attached the power switch to the side of the robot.

October 16th

Today Hannah and Serenity worked on switching the wheels, we also decided to take the gear off of the motors and just attach the wheel itself to the motor with little in-between so we could have more control and speed. This made our robot uneven, and at an angle but it is ok because it does not look bad. We also decided to move both the motors from the front of the robot and the shovel back so the size would not be too big, however, it also made the front of the robot have sharp points, which is a problem because with the rules we might not be able to play because it could damage other robots and the field, so we will have to fix that as well.Â