
Zoe 1st block

Today I worked on helping Lauren program and figure out what was wrong and why the robot's claw did not work. We got the claw to work so we're just practicing.

Katie Mattimoe  Block 3  12-5-22

Today I listened to Mr. Newman explain the scoring and everything at the beginning of class, but went to help with Mrs. William's class afterwards. 


Today, I worked on programming the robot.

The robot's driving base was already working, but I am thinking about slowing it down.

We also looked at the lift, which was working well with the coding we already had.

From there, we needed to program the claw to open and close. We had some issues with this, but we realized that it was the wiring that was giving us problems. 

After we programmed the robot, everything was working, and we were able to go in and start practicing driving the robot on the mat. We were able to reach all of the cups and place them on all of the poles except for the very top one.