
Katie 10-24  Block 3

11:07 Right now I am working on coming up with a way to make the claw swivel. I am having trouble with this so far. I am concerned because the right side of the claw keeps coming loose. 

11:29- Mr. Newman just helped me figure something out that works so far. It is pictures 1 and 2. Basically, there are two brackets each with only one screw attaching them to the arm and two attaching them to the claw. It gives the claw just enough circulation. 

11:54- Now, I am working on keeping the top of the arm down. There are still some issues and I have been doing more of just trial and error tests, so I did not add any pictures. So far I have just been running into errors. It is difficult because whatever we use must be attached to the side of the bottom arm in order to keep the top arm in line but it creates this awkward space that so far I haven't been able to fix. 

Picture 1

Picture 2

Lauren - october 24th

Today, I built a claw that uses servos to open and close. The only design flaw was the fact that because the servos are too tall, it makes to where the bottom of the claw doesn't touch the ground anymore. This can be fixed by flipping the claw around, however i didn't have enough time to do this in class today. Below is a picture of the design.