
October 20th

Hannah was in charge of making a hook and connecting it to the robot, however, she had a little bit of trouble because the motor for the claw was in the way so she had to move it down. Moving the motor did not really change/ add any new problems to the robot. We want to work on using metal instead of plastic for the claw to make it more sturdy. We also discussed new ideas for the claw but were not able to come up with anything new.

October 24th

Hannah and Serenity took the claw off of the robot and did research online to see if we could come up with a better design. We found a claw that we really liked that allowed us to successfully pick up the pixel. However, when we started to look for the pieces that we needed online we could not find them because in the video the name of the pieces were not stated. We needed four new pieces to make the claw that we wanted, two would have been to hold the servo in place while holding gears inside, and the other two would have been a mechanism that had a small gear attached to the end of it while being connected plastic. 

October 30th

Hannah and Emily worked on connecting the claw to the arm. However, once they were done, they started to drive around the robot, they practiced opening and closing the claw, lifting and lowering the arm, and even tried to get the hook to stay on the Rigger.  We did not succeed because we have yet to change the motor for the arm, the motor we currently have does not completely lift the robot off the group. 

November 1st

Today, we worked on the arm and claw of our robot. We started out by driving around, testing our arm and claw. We still need to program the claw to open and close. We also organized and finished labeling all of our wires as well as zip tying them to each other and to the rest of the robot. Emily also cut the sides of the shovel to prevent it from dragging on the ground. Hannah also worked on placing double gears for the arm instead of just one so less stress is on one single gear. After school last class, she also replaced the motor with a stronger one so it can lift our robot off of the ground.