October 26th

Lauren Ramos

Today, I came back to the class room and found that Katie had attached the claw to the design. This was attactched well, however I realized that it went way over the size limit. I though about moving the claw to where it was attatched further down, which took off a couple of inches, however it still wasn't enough. I decidided that the only way to fix the design would be to move the base of the lift further back wards. This would keep it in the size limit. 

Katie Mattimoe 3rd 

I moved the arm back. I looked for more of what we originally had the arm on, but I couldn't find any. Instead, I used the same thing just without the side. The issue I ran into there was that I couldn't attach it to the robot, due to the fact there was no side. To solve this, I attached little brackets that the bar type thing (I am not sure what it is actually called) sets on. I believe this fixed the size problem, but we might have to move the motor that moves the arm up and down. In class, I did not have time to attach the claw so I could not get definite measurements. I still think it will be pretty close.  -Katie

"Little Bracket"- These are what I attached for the "bar type thing" to set on. 

"Little Bracket"- These are what I attached for the "bar type thing" to set on. 

This was the final product with the lift fully attached. 

"bar type thing"  on the brackets, not yet attached.