Distinguishing Characteristics of Italian Cooking

Typical Herbs & Spices of Italian Cooking

Italian food is distinguished by its simplicity in flavor and the subtleness of spices used.

Characterized mainly by fresh ingredients such as locally sourced or home-grown vegetables based on seasonality as the main focus, often paired with pasta or bread made with minimally processed products, Italian cuisine is famous for its freshness and elegance.

Along with main focus of fresh produce, it uses a variety of proteins, from fish to chicken to beef, with simple seasonings (1). Here are some of the common flavors found in Italian food.

source: almanac.com


This essential herb has a warm and slightly sweet flavor that is often paired in tomato sauce dishes. It is also the primary ingredient in pesto that gives it its flavor. Fresh is preferred over dried (2).

Photo Courtesy of Leszek Czerwonka

Bay Leaves

These are dried leaves from the laurel tree used in fish and meat dishes and often in soups and stews. Its flavor is released in slow-cooking and is subtle (2).

Source: Wikipedia

Hot Pepper

Peperoncini is the form of hot pepper flakes used in almost any Italian dish from pasta dishes to pizza (2).

source: healthline.com


In both its fresh and dried form, oregano has an aromatic scent and tastes almost minty or earthy. Traditionally, it is added to many Sicilian dishes such as pizza (2).

source: Medical News Today


This herb is peppery and floral, often added to roasted meats like lamb and even homemade focaccia bread (2).

source: gilmour.com


This woodsy herb is often a staple in non-tomato based dishes such as ravioli with browned butter sauce, risotto, and is paired well with chicken, pork, and fatty meats (2).

source: history.com


Its dried version is used often in Mediterranean dishes, paired well with lemon and garlic flavors. It is included with pasta dishes with peppers and/or eggplant and works well with roasted potatoes/meat (2).


  1. Gauchat, S., Gold, B. (2020, June 23). How to start cooking authentic Italian food at home, according to Lidia Bastianich. Real Simple. Meredith Home Group. https://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/cooking-tips-techniques/egg-farmer-cooking-hacks

  2. Andriani, L. (2020, February 26). Which herbs and spices are commonly used in Italian cooking? Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https://www.marthastewart.com/7618815/herbs-spices-used-italian-cooking

Cover photo courtesy of realsimple.com