In-Home Harvesting

Why Does Sustainability Matter?

Environmental sustainability is the idea that we should strive to meet the needs of the current population while not taking resources from future generations. A sustainable lifestyle means living in a way that does not deplete natural resources, such as water, soil, or air, while also ensuring your current needs are met. In this curriculum, middle school children will learn the importance of sustainability and participate in learning activities focused on either gardening, harvesting, food preservation, or a combination of one of these three topics.

Our Project

In-home harvesting is an innovative way for urban areas with little gardening space to effectively create and maintain food production for individuals within a community in the comfort of their own homes. A way to cultivate home-grown food is beneficial for any household. Home-grown food is more nutritious than store-bought produce because it reduces the risk of contamination and pesticide ingestion, saves money, is more environmentally friendly, and is generally more flavorful! Starting an indoor garden is relatively simple and can be done by reusing various materials you already have at home. This curriculum will be your guide to starting your very own garden, the tools you will need to maintain it, and what you can do with the produce you grow.

Source: from

New City Neighbors

New City Neighbors is a non-profit organization located in the city of Grand Rapids. They focus on empowering youth to lead and learn about systemic, cultural issues. The organization also focuses on providing healthy food for their community through urban farming. The organization strives to give local youth opportunities to learn and participate in an independent and sustainable lifestyle. Some examples of New City Neighbors' work include a farm and café, which employ local youth and allow teenagers to learn valuable skills in a supportive environment. Besides work, New City Neighbors also offers clubs and curriculums focused on sustainability. For this curriculum, participants will be given learning activities that focus on the theme of in-home harvesting.

DIY Gardening Tools


  • Sharpie/marker

  • Empty liquid detergent jugs or any plastic jug with a handle

  • Drill or metal hanger

  • Flame/heat source

STE(A)M Component:



For watering can:

  • Wash out any detergent residue in the jug

  • With drills: use a small dowel bit (works the best) to drill small holes in the top of the detergent cap (twist cap recommended) to allow water to pass through

  • With hanger: using caution, cut off a long piece of the metal hanger and heat one end until hot enough to push holes through the top of the cap

  • Fill the jug with water and tilt over your plants to hydrate

Other Activities




Recycled Pots


Jam Making


Seed Recycling


Nutritional Sheet


Indoor Composting


Make Your Own Watering Can From a Laundry Detergent Bottle. (n.d.). [Digital image]. Living a Frugal Life.

Markham, D. (2020, September 09). [DIY Seed Pots]. Retrieved March 17, 2021, from

New City Neighbors [Digital image]. (2020). Retrieved March 18, 2021, from

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