Ecosystem Biodiversity

Grand Valley State University's Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP) is a place where students and the community can come together to research plants and their natural environment with the goal of contributing to sustainable food systems while building upon organic farming practices. There is an opportunity to take advantage of the underutilized spaces and use them to increase the biodiversity at the SAP. This increase in biodiversity would help in supporting functioning ecosystems, enhancing soil health, nutrient cycling, biological pest control, providing habitat, and supporting pollinators that will increase the overall efficiency and health of the SAP ecosystem.
Our project works to bring in more biodiversity to the SAP through the implementation and support of a variety of native wildlife species while encouraging education on local wildlife, pollinators, and the importance of biodiversity in supporting healthy and resilient ecosystems. This will in turn add value to the natural environment at the SAP through an enriched learning experience.
In discussion with the SAP farm manager, there was a recognition of an unutilized space next to the newly built parking lot. As this space sits over the septic system for the SAP property, it is unable to be used for agricultural purposes. It is proposed that the native gardens be constructed on this section of the property. The species in these gardens were specifically selected with shallow root systems as to not disturb the septic system that is in place. In this respect, this space can be used in a beneficial way to increase diversity on the SAP property and support pollinators.
References:Benefits of biodiversity for agriculture. (2017, February 20). Retrieved March 25, 2021, from
Khush, G. (2017, October 16). The Importance of Biodiversity to Food and Agricultural Systems across the Globe. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from,production%20and%20for%20human%20survival.
Is it okay to plant a garden over a leach field? (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from,it%20is%20done%20with%20care.&text=Although%20turf%20grass%20is%20the,leach%20field%20is%20not%20recommended
Why is it important? (2008, April 25). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from
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