Supporting Native Birds

Encouraging biodiversity means to support a multitude of species of plants, animals, microbes, and more and their interactions in the environment of focus. The SAP has a beautiful location that can hold and sustain a variety of organisms already, such as native birds. The agriculture fields are great habitats for Sparrows, Hawks, Blue Jays, Crows, Cowbirds, Swallows, and more; and these birds do a lot for the natural processes in their ecosystems. We would like to provide housing support and encourage healthy lifestyles for these native bird species in order to ensure they have the means to house and provide for their young. This will hopefully support future generations of birds that will be visiting the SAP and in turn benefit the agricultural processes through biodiversity and species richness. A program for building the bird houses will provide educational and volunteer opportunities for those who want to be involved at the SAP and even an opportunity to take home a bird house that can attract cavity-nesting species in their own homes. This encourages rich education at the SAP that can be applied off-campus in one's everyday life, which will impact our community for the better.

Prototype for Gourd Bird Houses

These bird houses are made from a natural resource - a gourd - and are easy to assemble and personalize. To assemble, you will need:

  • A hard-shelled gourd

  • Bleach (as a disinfectant)

  • Fine steel wool

  • Wood preservative or copper sulfate

  • Oil-based primer

  • Oil-based white enamel paint (or other colors to personalize)

  • Plastic-coated copper wire

  • Face mask

  • Power drill

  • 2-1/8 inch hole saw or keyhole saw

Steps to prepare and assemble the gourd bird house can be found in the link below. The instructions are to make a gourd bird house suitable for Purple Martins; houses for other bird species have different requirements for habitat, entrance-hole size, and cavity dimensions. These are also noted.

Listed below are some native bird species that are known to use man-made gourd bird houses. These birds are cavity nesters, which means they don't build the typical twig & grass bird nest in between tree branches; they find cavities and holes to lay their eggs and raise young in. Each species brings something unique to the environment they inhabit, which is why it is critical that we support a variety of native bird species which in turn supports greater biodiversity at the SAP.

All of the birds listed below have diets that consist of insects and berries. This is great for the SAP because it will provide natural insect and pest control for the crops instead of using synthetic pesticides which hurt biodiversity. Birds are notorious for aiding in the spreading of seeds of fruiting and flowering plants through their droppings, so providing housing at the SAP will increase the probability of seed spreading in the agriculture fields and native flower/shrub gardens we are proposing.

Barn Swallow

  • Insect & pest control

Purple Martin

  • Insect & pest control

Eastern Bluebird

  • Eat crop-destroying beetles

Black-capped Chickadee

  • Seed spreading

Volunteer Program for Building Bird Houses

We would like to provide opportunity for volunteers in the community to help us make our gourd bird houses for the SAP as well as bird houses they can take home to observe native bird species in their area for years to come. This will act as a great educational opportunity for people of many ages, and provide the SAP with bird houses they can re-use for many years to support many generations of native birds.

Birds & Blooms Editors. (Jan. 27, 2021). How to Make a Purple Martin Gourd House. Retrieved March 24, 2021 from
Kaufman, Kenn. (n.d.). Eastern Bluebird. Audubon Guide to North American Birds. Retrieved March 24, 2021 from bluebird#:~:text=Mostly%20insects%20and%20berries.,many%20berries%2C%20especially%20in%20winter
Kaufman, Kenn. (n.d.). Black-capped Chickadee. Audubon Guide to North American Birds. Retrieved March 24, 2021 from
Kaufman, Kenn. (n.d.). Barn Swallow. Audubon Guide to North American Birds. Retrieved March 24, 2021 from guide/bird/barn-swallow