Food-Related Health

Costa Rica

Costa Ricans tend to be less concerned about weight and less negative when it comes to food overall. They do have some concerns about weight, for health reasons, however, they still tend to have a very positive relationship with food overall. As a result, depression and anxiety rates in Costa Ricans is much lower than other countries.

Costa Ricans do understand and consider the effects of diet on health, but their perspective on food and weight do not lead to food negativity. This is mainly a result of Costa Rica's collectivistic culture. Collectivistic culture puts a focus on the group rather than the individual, leading to interconnectedness within the group and loyalty to others.

In the context of food this means that Costa Ricans find food to be a comfort. Further, food for them goes hand-in-hand with family, meaning that heavy restricting of food, also feels to be a heavy restriction on connections with family.¹

United States

Americans tend to be heavily concerned about weight and carry a negative connotation with food. Food negativity in citizens in the United States, has caused very high rates of mental health issues, most commonly depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

In the United States, diet and health are a priority for many citizens, which in turn often causes much worry, and food negativity. This is likely due to the extremely individualistic culture of the United States. Individualistic culture prioritized the individual over the entire group, causing increases self-reflection and less connectivity.

In relation to food this means that the United States is home to much food negativity. With such a high level of self reflection due to their culture, heavy dieting and food restriction has become common. Food for Americans is less about the group and family, and more about self image.¹

  1. Rodríguez-Arauz, G., Ramírez-Esparza, N., & Smith-Castro, V., (2016). Food attitudes and well-being: The role of culture. Appetite, 105, 180-188.

Image Sources:
  1. Costa Rica:
  2. United States: