Implications at the SAP

One way to implement Carbon Farming at the SAP (Sustainable Agriculture Project) would be to increase the amount of composting. Below we included a map for possible composting locations as well as how composting will be good way to implement Carbon Farming.

To the left is a Satellite Image of the SAP with red and blue rectangles.

  • The red rectangles represent physical assets at the SAP and locations where composting would be benefitted

  • The blue rectangles represent possible locations to put designated composting areas

Where to Get the Compost?

To the Right is another satellite image of the SAP.

  • In the red Rectangle is the Location of the SAP

  • In the blue Rectangle is one of the SAP's neighbors Campus View

Campus view is the closest off campus living to the SAP and would be a perfect place to try and implement a compost collection program. A partnership could be set up with these apartments to collect the compost material that students living in these apartments may have and wish to get rid of. It would then be taken back to the SAP where it can be properly managed and utilized.