Native Shrubs and Grasses Garden

Restoring native plant habitat is vital for increasing biodiversity. By creating a native shrub and grass garden we are able to turn unused areas at the SAP into a living landscape. Landscaping choices, such as this garden, can have a massive positive impacts on the populations of local pollinators, birds, insects, and other animals. This garden will not only promote an increasing amount of biodiversity at the SAP but will also serve as an educational opportunity to show the community how these choices matter.

Example Garden

Shrub Species in Garden

Witch Hazel

  • Berries attract over 40 species of birds
  • Flowers attract many pollinators including several species of bees, wasps, moths, and even beetles

Red Chokeberry

  • Flowers provide nectar and pollen which are great for pollinator such as different species of native bees and butterflies
  • Winter food source for song birds due to lack of food availability


  • Large white flowers attract early season pollinators
  • Fruit attracts a multitude of birds including cardinals, blue birds, robins.
  • Throughout its growing season, Blackhaw hosts many species of butterflies and moths

Grass Species in Garden


  • Supports small mammals, birds, butterflies, bees, and humming birds
  • Provide a cover habitat for small animals

Fox Sedge

  • Promotes an abundance of native wildlife
  • Supports rail birds, grouse, ducks as well as many species of song birds
  • Provides protective habitat for small mammals and birds

Little Bluestem

  • Seeds provide food for many small mammals and birds
  • Attracts butterflies
  • Provides nesting material for native bees

What you can do:

Check out this website for a list of plants native to Michigan you can plant in your yard!

References:Grasses and sedges. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from
Shrubs. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from
Mary Wilson, M. (2021, March 09). Native plants for Michigan landscapes: Part 2 - SHRUBS. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from
Natural area preservation. (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2021, from