Social Studies  11 & 12

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Social Studies Department Grad Path

Social Justice 12

MSJ--12-4s Credits: 4 

Prerequisite: SS 10 

In this course students will explore injustices in Canada and globally. We will explore how power, privilege and oppression work in systems, culture, and personal behavior. The course explores various social justice topics/issues, including understanding people’s values and identities, Aboriginal and settler issues, race, gender, LGBTQ2S+, class/poverty, and activism. We will actively take on projects and engage in topics so that students can build a personal understanding of the global state of injustices and how the world is currently dealing with these issues. Social justice work is personal in nature and requires an investment from both your brain and heart. There will be times where you will be challenged or uncomfortable; this is the nature of the work. We will work to create a space where people's diverse perspectives and truths are honored and where people can have a meaningful dialogue about their differences and beliefs. This course satisfies the social studies graduation requirement and counts as a grade 12 credit. 

Comparative Cultures 12

MCMCL12-4S Credits: 4 

Prerequisite: SS 10 

Comparative Civilizations is a course designed to give students an understanding of past civilizations. We will start with Homo Sapiens and human origins, then move to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia: Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria, Chaldea. Then we look at Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece, Persia, Carthage and Rome. We will examine the mythologies and religions of the various cultures, the greatest battles, and famous persons such as Leonidas of Sparta, Xerxes of Persia, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Hannibal, Hernan Cortes, Montezuma, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan and many others. We will examine these civilizations and peoples through their writings, such as the Tale of Troy and the Epic of Gilgamesh, and through their art, including paintings, and theatre. This course is recommended for students who are interested in history, art, mythology, religion and warfare, as seen through different cultures and civilizations. 

BC First Peoples 12

This course meets both your Social Studies 11/12 and Indigenous Course Work Graduations requirements. Click here to read more about the course.

Political Studies and Current Events 12

MPLST12-4S Credits: 4 

Prerequisite: SS 10 

Political Studies 12 is an exploration of political systems around the globe and an examination of current events and issues that arise. The majority of this course will be focused on international relations and conflicts in our world, with an emphasis placed on the development of solutions to real world problems we face today. A major component of the course will be discussions and collaboration around the topics in order to formulate opinions and articulate them to others. The course will be influenced by the interests of the students and relevant topics that occur during the semester. This course satisfies the Social Studies requirement at the Grade 12 level. 

20th Century World History 12

MWH—12-4S Credits: 4 

Prerequisite: SS 10 

The last century saw more rapid change than any that came before. Ideologies and technologies transformed as much as conflicts, perceived threats, and alliances. Expanding on the content you covered in Social Studies 9 and 10, this course will track major changes between 1900 and 2000, examine how and why they occurred, and assess the impacts that they are still having on the world today. There will be opportunities to explore areas of interest.

Genocide Studies 12

MGENO12-4S Credits: 4

Prerequisite: SS 10 

Genocides have occurred throughout history with some regularity. This course will investigate their causes and consequences through the lens of the 20th & 21st centuries. We will develop our Curricular Competencies of Significance, Ethics, Perspective, Continuity, Evidence, and Inquiry. People who choose to enroll in Genocide Studies 12 are willing and able to dig deeply into a specific topic; have a passion for history, including often untold stories and underappreciated people; demonstrated strong interest in previous learnings about the Holocaust - which serves as a blueprint for genocides in other places and time periods. This course will satisfy your Socials Graduation Requirement at the Grade 12 level. 

Law 12

MLST-12-4S Credits: 4 

Prerequisite: SS 10 

Are you interested in the Canadian Legal System and our government? Are you interested in a career in law or law enforcement? Becoming a paralegal? A police or RCMP officer? This is the course for you. This course explores several areas of Law and will provide students with practical knowledge of their legal rights and responsibilities. Topics include the Origins of Law, Criminal Law, Negligence Law, Rights and Freedoms, Family Law and Contracts. A field trip to the law courts along with community speakers such as lawyers and RCMP help create an awareness of possible careers in a legal field. Learning standards, covering key legal topics such as: key areas of law such as criminal law, civil law, and family law; foundations of Canadian law; structures and powers of the federal and provincial courts and administrative tribunals; legal rights and responsibilities of Canadians This course satisfies the Social Studies requirement at the Grade 12 level. 

AP Political Studies 12: Comparative Government and Policies

ACGP-12-4S Credits: 4 

The AP course in Comparative Government and Politics presents the fundamental concepts used by political scientists in studying the processes and outcomes of politics in the context of six key nations. The course aims to illustrate the diversity of political life: to show available institutional alternatives; to explain differences in processes and policy outcomes; and to communicate to students the importance of global political and economic changes. The core of the course will require students to compare political concepts, analyze political patterns and processes, compare political institutions, and interpret data. At the conclusion of AP Comparative Government and Politics 12, students will have the ability to seek university or college credit by writing the AP College Board exam in May. In order to satisfy the curricular demands of the AP program, students should be prepared to either participate in tutorial sessions outside the timetable or to complete independent study units. For students who have not already had exposure to study of political systems, they should also be prepared to complete a background assignment before entrance into the course. After the examination, students will be encouraged to continue to work on supplementary resources in order to further their understanding and achieve the curricular standards to improve skills necessary for post-secondary success. Although students should be prepared for the considerable workload and academic rigors that a course of this nature will require, there are clear benefits to a course designed to bridge the high school and college experience. This course will also satisfy your Socials Graduation Requirement at the Grade 12 level. 

Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12

This course meets both your Social Studies 11/12 and Indigenous Course Work Graduations requirements. Click here to read more about the course.