Home Economics- Grade 10

Table of Contents

Applied Skills Department Path

Culinary Arts 10

MCUL-10-4S Credits: 4

Prerequisite: None

This is an introductory course for professional cooking based in the school’s commercial cafeteria. The course focuses on the introduction of skills, content knowledge and creative capacity required for commercial food preparation. Students learn how to handle food service tools and equipment in a safe and sanitary manner and run the school cafeteria while gaining basic knowledge in soups, sandwiches, salads, desserts, entrees and more. Students also take Food Safe Level 1 at the beginning of the course and will receive 30 hours of work experience. Student evaluation for this course is based mostly on hands-on practical work.

Food Studies: Introduction (Food Studies 11)

MFOOD11-4S Credits: 4

Prerequisite: None

This course gives students the opportunity to prepare a variety of exciting dishes while learning new techniques and trying new foods. Students will develop a set of skills that will allow them to safely prepare food for themselves, their friends and family. Skills acquired in this class also transfer well to the workplace. Our many design challenges and cooking competitions enable students to put their new cooking skills on display. Commonly made recipes include Fettuccini Alfredo, Sushi, Perogies and a variety of baked goods.

Child Development and Care Giving 11

MIAFR11-4S Credits: 4

Prerequisite: None

This course is an excellent introduction for any person interested in working in the field of early childhood education, daycare, preschool, kindergarten, elementary education or other childcare services. This course will explore personal relationships, healthy and unhealthy relationships, the role of families in society, puberty, STIs, contraception, conception, birth, infant development and the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of children from birth to age three. It will also explore the role of play and the importance of nutrition. The format of this class includes group discussions, sharing of ideas, individual and group projects.

Fashion and Sewing: Introduction (Textiles 10)

MTXT-10-4S Credits: 4

Prerequisite: None

This hands-on applied skills course introduces students to the sewing room equipment, various types of fabric, basic pattern alterations and intermediate sewing construction techniques. Students will explore the cultural, environmental, ethical impacts of fashion. Emphasis is on designing and creating garments for fun, fit and fashion. Students will sew individual projects that vary depending on the year. When available students will complete a baby quilt that will be donated to the KGH neonatal unit. The course culminates with a design challenge. Students may also have the opportunity to choose personal sewing projects. When available, all sewing classes are invited to attend our spring field trip to Vancouver for a fashion show.