English 10

All English 10 course options will focus on developing students’ formal and analytical communication skills both in written and oral forms. Depending on the pathway, texts will vary from non-fiction and fiction pieces, to film and digital works. The course offerings are broken down into the following pathways: Creative Writing, English First Peoples, Literary Studies, and New Media. Within the pathways are specific content focuses for you to choose from. 

All English 10 offerings are paired with the Composition 10 pathway, which is designed to increase students understanding and application of the major writing formats. Students are required to complete one 4 credit English 10 course and may choose to take an additional course as an elective. 

 Table of Contents

English Department Grad Path

Creative Writing: Creative Writing 10 is designed for students who have an interest in creative expression through language. Within a supportive community of writers, students will collaborate and develop their skills through writing and design processes. 

Creative Writing 10: Introduction

MCTWR10-2T Credits: 4

This course explores writing for a variety of purposes including analytical, academic, original fiction and non-fiction writing. Students will analyze mentor texts and use the writing process, including peer feedback, to improve writing strategies. 

English First Peoples (EFP)

English First Peoples (EFP) 10: Literary Studies and New Media

MEFLS10-2T-NM Credits: 4 

EFP is designed for students who are interested in exploring First Peoples literature in a variety of contexts, genres, and media. This area of choice provides students with opportunities to explore personal and cultural identities, histories, stories, and connections to land/place. Students will delve deeply into First Peoples’ oral and written literature in a range of media to explore various themes, authors and topics. 

This course meets both your English 10 and Indigenous Course Work Graduations requirements. Click here to read more about the course.

Literary Studies: Literary Studies 10 is designed for students who are interested in the literature of a particular era, geographical area, or theme, or in the study of literature in general. The course allows students to delve more deeply into literature as they explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works in a variety of media. 

Literary Studies 10: Science Fiction

MLTST10-2T-SF Credits: 4 

This course will focus on reading and analyzing the science fiction genre. Students will focus on analyzing and interpreting novels, short stories, and films to come to a deeper understanding of the themes and messages in the science fiction genre. If you enjoy Star Wars, Star Trek, Phillip K. Dick, etc., then this is the class for you. Evaluation will be based on writing, analyses, interpretations, and creative representations of learning. 

Literary Studies 10: General Studies

MLTST10-2T-G Credits: 4 

This course will be presented as a generalized English 10 course with a variety of perspectives, topics, and texts. 

Literary Studies: Theatre

MLTST10-2T-TH Credits: 4

This course is a survey of drama, from Greek plays, to Shakespeare, to 20th Century theatre. There will be a focus of societal commentary through dramatic works.

New Media: New Media 10 is designed to reflect the changing role of technology in today’s society and the increasing importance of digital media in communicating and exchanging ideas. 

New Media 10: Crime

MNMD-10-2T-CM Credits: 4 

This course explores how and why the recent true crime narrative has exploded in popularity. It will also look at different facets of crime including justice, detective fiction, as well as mystery and suspense. Content warning: Students should be aware that some of the texts and media we will be discussing might contain graphic or frightening content. Please use your own discretion about whether this will be an appropriate course for you. 

New Media 10: Journalism

MNMD-10-2T-J Credits: 4 

This course is for students with a keen interest in current events. Students will contribute to the RSS online newspaper, and will participate in all facets of the digital production as they move towards mastery in writing.