
Minoan Civilization

The Greek civilization originated with the Minoans on the island of Crete. Neolithic farmers settled here around 7000 B.C. Agriculture was established and these people began to thrive. By 2000 B.C., the Minoans civilization sprouted. They had great palaces where rulers governed. The Minoans were expert sailors and traded throughout the Mediterranean. They had well-built ships that carried olive oil, wine, cloth, and pottery and metalwork to Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, and Spain. The Minoans came back with raw materials like tin, gold, pearls, and ivory. Since they had a strong army, they felt so safe they did not build a wall around their city. Historians have been unable to read the Minoan language. We know their history through archaeology and from Greek stories written about the Minoans.


Minoan myths originate with King Minos (Minoan comes from King Minos' name) and his labyrinth with its monstrous minotaur (half bull and half man). Those who fell out of King Mino's favor were thrown into the labyrinth, or maze, and had to try to survive the minotaur.


The Minoans were great sailors and traders. They traded along the Mediterranean. They built strong ships. They spread their culture throughout the Mediterranean as they sailed to many places during their trading voyages. They built the great palace of Knossos. Knossos was more of a city than a palace due to its 20,000 people that lived there. Minoans were great artisans, as well. The Minoans were not just great olive farmers, they made jewelry, pottery seals, and figurines. They had advanced plumbing and had storerooms for their surplus of corn and crops. In 1500 B.C., their civilization declined sharply most probably because of earthquakes and tidal waves. Volcanic eruptions could have also caused their end. Invasions by other Greek city-states is also a possible reason for their decline.


Minoans were polytheistic (believed in many gods). They worshiped by leaping bulls, boxing, wrestling, and dancing. They also offered sacrifices to the gods to keep them happy.

Ivan L.

Olive Vista STEAM Magnet Middle School Student