Governing Board Meeting Notice

Notice is hereby given that the King-Chavez Academy of Excellence, Inc. (“King-Chavez Neighborhood of Schools”) will hold a regular meeting as listed below.

Date: March 8, 2017

Time: 4:30 p.m.

Location: King-Chavez Community High School, 1010 Second Ave, San Diego CA 92101

Public input on specific agenda items and those items not on the agenda – Any person of the public desiring to speak shall be allowed to speak during public comment time and has the option of speaking once on any agenda item when it is being discussed. Speaking time shall generally be limited to three minutes, unless a longer period is permitted by the Board President. Agenda speakers will be limited five minutes.

Special needs - If you have special needs because of a disability that makes it difficult for you to participate in the meeting or you require assistance or auxiliary aids to participate in the meeting, please contact Dr. Tim Wolf at 619-962-6499. King-Chavez will attempt to accommodate your disability.


Open Session:

1. Call to Order

2. Adopt Agenda

3. Oral/Written communications from the public. Opportunity for members of the public to address the board regarding items not on this agenda.

4. Approval of action minutes for meeting dated December 7, 201

Information Items

5. Information - CEO update verbal report including operations, facilities, academics, Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and community.

6. Information – Financial Controller update verbal report including financials, budget to actuals, audit reports, second interim reports.

Action Items

7. Action - Approve Second Interim Financial Reports for the 2016-17.

8. Action – Approved updated memorandum of understanding between the King-Chavez CNO and individual King-Chavez Academies.

9. Action – Approval of selection of Vavrinek, Trine and Day as independent auditor.

10. Action – Approval of resolution declaring emergency conditions resulting in a reduction of operational days.

11. Action – Approval of resolution declaring all King-Chavez schools Safe Zones for undocumented students.

12. Action – Approval of updated Safety Plans for all King-Chavez charter schools.

Closed Session

13. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.95 Information / Action – litigation – two cases.

14. Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.95 real estate negotiations on 201 A Street.

Return to Open Session

15. Report out on actions taken in closed session

16. Information - Written Academy, Technology Reports and Instructional Leadership.

17. Adjournment