October 29, 2021

Open Discussion

Jenny Lent

Ronald Gallagher 

 Thanks for joining us today!  I am excited to help continue providing all of the districts the best information, resources, programs, and instructional coaching.  Please feel free to contact me anytime regarding any questions or needs that you or your district may encounter.  

Email:  ronald.gallagher@iu1.org

Twitter: RonGallagherIU1

https://7mindsets.com/ - SEL program focusing on 7 Mindsets.  Sign up for the free Morning Mindset to motivate your students or staff for the day!

Everything is Possible

Passion First

We are Connected

100% Accountable

Attitude of Gratitude

Live to Give

The Time is Now

Rob Baier

Pennsylvania IU Flyer.pdf

Join us on November 5th for a  "Teaching Math with Manipulatives" Workshop!

Each face-to-face attendee will receive an individual manipulatives kit!

PVAAS Update

PAIU PVAAS UPDATE 2021_10.pptx

Alyssa Moore

Coming Soon to Science Matters!

Science Matters in expanding their kits to incorporate Mindful Moments into the science kits your teachers and students love.  The following kits will have these additions for spring shipments:

Stay tuned for more Mindful Moments to come!

SM Flyer Coming Soon SEL (002).pdf

Grant Opportunity

2022 Environmental Education Grants- Application due December 10, 2021 

Remake Learning- Rural Outreach Coordinator

Please share with your teachers!

Join me for a Meet & Greet and Lunch & Learn Opportunity!

November 10, 2021- 11am-12pm

Learn a little bit about me and my new role. Interested in computer science and robotics in your rural space?  Guests from Pittsburgh Technical College and PA Rural Robotics Initiative will be joining to share about accessible opportunities in your region for your students! 

RSVP Here: tinyurl.com/s5xv99d6 

Student STEM Opportunities 

Airport Design Challenge

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is thrilled to be hosting another round of the very popular Airport Design Challenge, where students are encouraged to form teams and recreate a real airport in the Minecraft virtual platform.  Students from K-12 can participate using the free version of Minecraft and all of them will get the chance to not only use Minecraft in a unique way, but also learn lessons about aviation and airports along the way.  Student enrollment opens November 1, 2021.

Unfold the Universe Art Challenge

Stars, galaxies, nebulae – oh my! What will NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveal when it peers back through 13.5 billion years of time? Create, using any form of art, what you think the Webb Telescope will discover for a chance to be featured on NASA's historic launch broadcast.  Join the #UnfoldTheUniverse Art Challenge today.  Deadline for Submissions is December 18, 2021.

Design Moon-Digging Robots with Lunabotics

NASA and Future Engineers are challenging young innovators to help design a new robot concept for an excavation mission on the Moon. The Lunabotics Junior Contest is open to K-12 students in U.S. public and private schools, as well as home-schoolers. Entries are due January 25, 2022.

Cardigan Day Photo Guide.docx

Jo Beth McKee

What is the Science of Reading? 

Louisa Moats explains

First, the body of work referred to as “the science of reading” is not an ideology, a philosophy, a political agenda, a one-size-fits-all approach, a program of instruction, or a specific component of instruction. It is the emerging consensus from many related disciplines, based on literally thousands of studies, supported by hundreds of millions of research dollars, conducted across the world in many languages. These studies have revealed a great deal about how we learn to read, what goes wrong when students don’t learn, and what kind of instruction is most likely to work the best for the most students.

Dave Dunham

October ELA_CAI_eBLAST_October_2021 (1).pdf

Developing literacy skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening is a collaborative responsibility of all educators. Classroom learning experiences should enhance and expand the communication and critical thinking skills that allow students to develop resiliency and positive attitudes as they grow into effective readers, writers, communicators, and life-long learners. The Pennsylvania Department of Education embraces effective literacy teaching and learning through a system that includes a comprehensive, research-based approach that supports teacher effectiveness and student achievement.

Sarah D'Urzo - Innovation & Design Site  <--- Click here!

Everfi Online Programming

Carly Taylor, MA

Implementation Specialist, Pittsburgh

2300 N Street NW, Suite 500

Washington, DC 20037

C 781.588.4337



Guest Speakers: