June 20, 2022

Jenny Lent

Ron Gallagher

Accelerated Learning PD



Roster Verification

ACT 13 Training Opportunities

ACT 49 

ACT 158 Update

Comprehensive Plan Updates

May 1, 2022

* Included in Safe Schools when assigned in the Admin tab.

School Improvement Plans (CSI and A-TSI)


IU1 Summer Institute


The target audience is school districts that want to host the 1 hour (plus 15-30 minutes for live Q+A after) virtual event for their parent community.  This program educates parents, teachers and social services providers on indicators of drug use/abuse, alcohol use/abuse, and other poor lifestyle choices among teens.  The goal is to identify a child who may be in crisis and intervene before the crisis is reached.  Hidden refers to stash devices meant to hide and conceal; High refers to drugs in 2022 including THC, CBD, vapes, and paraphernalia; Hammered refers to alcohol infused items and deceptive alcoholic packaging meant to attract a younger consumer.



What can parents do to support the mental health of their children who are away at college? Experts, including Dr. Sarah Cain Spannagel, offer      advice on making a plan and keeping the lines of communication open.

As many as 1 in 5 children and youth will experience some form of mental health problem. The toll that takes, not only on the children but on parents, too, is enormous. This guide focuses on parents, with practical tips and information on how to prioritize wellness and start making things better for them and their families.

The United States is experiencing an extreme teenage mental-health crisis. According to a new CDC study, from 2009 to 2021, the share of American high-school students who say they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 44 percent. This is the highest level of teenage sadness ever recorded. The government survey of almost 8,000 high-school students conducted in the first six months of 2021 found a great deal of variation in mental health among different groups. More than one in four girls reported that they had seriously contemplated attempting suicide during the pandemic, which was twice the rate of boys. Nearly half of LGBTQ teens said they had contemplated suicide during the pandemic, compared with 14 percent of their heterosexual peers. Sadness among white teens seems to be rising faster than among other groups.


A new report by The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for LGBTQ young people, explores the mental health and well-being of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) LGBTQ youth. This report is one of the first to analyze the mental health outcomes among youth who are both AAPI and LGBTQ.

The Cultural Inclusiveness and Equity (CIE) Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators (WISE), CIE WISE for short, is a Companion to ClassroomWISE. This training is intended for educators who want to know more about how to support the mental health needs of students through use of classroom practices that are culturally inclusive and equitable. CIE WISE is a 4-hour, self-paced, educator mental health literacy course, developed by a partnership between the MHTTC Network, the Danya Institute, and the National Center for School Mental Health. This course presents foundational knowledge on how social injustices and educator biases impact student mental health; describes how educators can engage in culturally inclusive action to promote student mental health and it provides concrete action steps for educators to support students experiencing distress from a cultural inclusiveness, anti-racist and equity lens. CIE WISE will be available soon! Modules include:

Applying a Cultural Inclusiveness and Equity Lens to Support Students in Distress


Trauma ScreenTIME is an online training course on how to screen children for trauma. The Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut (CHDI) developed the training in collaboration with families and national experts based on best practices. The ScreenTIME course provides staff working with children and youth the knowledge to effectively screen children for trauma and connect families with their preferred supports and services to help children recover from trauma exposure. The ScreenTIME course is available at no cost to child-serving professionals. Additionally, continuing education credits are available. Keep up the great work, CHDI!

Designed for all child-serving professionals exposed to details of traumatic events and individuals suffering from post-traumatic distress in the context of their work. Through the content in this course, participants will learn the risks associated with working with individuals suffering from traumatic stress symptoms, strategies to reduce the impact of secondary traumatic stress (STS,) and how to support wellness in staff. Finally, this course addresses how STS is an ethical mandate for organizations and individuals working in trauma-exposed environments.


Without policies to ensure young parents have access to mental health services, preventing intergenerational trauma can be a challenge. Elizabeth Aparicio, University of Maryland assistant professor in the university’s public health school, conducted research that found children born to young parents are at an elevated risk of abuse and that young moms coping with stress from trauma need support to meet the needs of themselves and their children. This includes mental health treatment and essentials like food, housing, and diapers, but the two are often treated as separate.


Published by OnlineMSWPrograms.com, this resource defines the difference between self soothing and self care, and provides activities to engage the five senses to promote calm and relaxation.


This guide is intended as a resource that school staff can utilize to help students following a traumatic event in the school system.


Bicyclists of all ages should wear properly fitted bike helmets every time they ride.

Children should always be buckled in age-appropriate car seats, booster seats and seatbelts.

Children should be taught to look both directions before crossing the street and pay attention to sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic signals.

Set up a reminder system to check the back seat prior to exiting and never leave a child alone in a vehicle.

Ensure teens have sufficient driving experience and follow the Graduated Driving Licensing laws in their state.


Alyssa Moore

Pennsylvania Science Education Leadership (PennSEL) Network

In collaboration with WestEd and PDE, IU1 has built a regional science network to support the rollout and implementation of PA’s Science Standards. 

Intermediate Unit 1 PennSEL PAsmart Grant Objectives:

Resources for Administrators

Summer Institute for Climate Change Education

Communitopia and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History are proud to be partnering with Climate Generation and NOAA as the hosts of the Pennsylvania cohort for the Summer Institute for Climate Change Education on July 18-20. If you're an educator (formal or informal) and interested in learning more about how you can implement climate change and environmental justice programming, I encourage you to take part in this professional development opportunity. The first two days (July 18 & 19) will be held virtually. The PA regional cohort day will be in-person at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History on July 20th. Please click HERE to register or LEARN MORE. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE.- Priority is given to People of Color and teachers in underserved districts.

STEM Opportunities

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is offering two FREE educational outreach programs in September or October of this year. 

TRAC™ (Transportation and Civil Engineering) & RIDES (Roadways In Developing Elementary Students) 


Both programs designed by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) for use in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) classes. 


TRAC is for students in grades 7-12, and RIDES is for students grades K-8. The hands-on activities in both programs introduce students to the work world of transportation and civil engineering and inspire them to consider careers in those fields. 


Both programs are aligned with national standards and currently being aligned with the Core Curriculum Standards of Learning. These programs are flexible and can be customized to best suit your school’s requirements. 

The purpose of this survey is to determine whether your school is interested in participating in one of these two-day programs and if so, on which of the following dates:


September 20 & 21, 2022


October 3 & 4, 2022


Both trainings are being offered at the same time, and will take place at PennDOT’s Riverfront Office Center located at 1101 South Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104


PennDOT will provide schools with the applicable curricula and resources for each program, which include technical advisors to serve as guest speakers, teach hands-on activities, and/or talk to students about the importance of math and science in preparing for their future.


Those who choose RIDES (K-8) will receive training in units titled Transportation and Energy, Roadway Geometry, Humans and Nature, and Designing Ways. (Please see the flyers below)


Those who choose TRAC (7-12) will receive training for the Bridge Builder and Connected and Automated Vehicle modules. (Please see the attached information)


Please use the survey at this link to respond to this initial inquiry.

More information about TRAC™ & RIDES is attached and located on AASHTO's website at tracrides.transportation.org. Specific questions about the programs may be directed to Jan Huzvar at jhuzvar@pa.gov.


PennDOT Education Outreach Flyers

Remake Learning Updates

Remake Learning Rural Event Request

I am looking to highlight and uplift you!  Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in co-hosting a Remake Learning Event with Alyssa Moore, Remake Learning Rural Outreach Coordinator.

Are you a Member of the Remake Learning Network?

Questions about Remake Learning? Contact Alyssa Moore, alyssa.moore@iu1.org or alyssa@remakelearning.org

Rob Baier

2022 PCTM Conference Schedule

July 20-22 at the Hilton Harrisburg

Register at https://www.tinyurl.com/22PCTM

PCTM 2022 Conference -- Schedule

Dave Dunham

New Possibilities Create New Horizons

August 3-4 2022

Meet News-O-Matic!!

News-O-Matic is an educational resource for readers in grades K through 8. Every weekday, News-O-Matic publishes interactive daily news content that teaches children 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, media literacy, and global awareness. Thousands of schools incorporate News-O-Matic articles into their literacy, science, social studies, and social-emotional learning curricula. News-O-Matic is available across the web and all mobile devices, facilitating learning anywhere and anytime.

An introduction to the science of reading and a discussion of  its importance as a foundation to our instruction.

Elevate your reading instruction by creating your very own decodable texts for your students.