April 11, 2019

Jenny Lent

June 2019 Conference Announcement (Apr 3 Update).pdf
Read Aloud Guidelines.pdf

Craig Hummell

PDE Updates:

For this year’s monitoring cycle, only the 2017/18 (2 pieces of evidence benchmark requirement) will be pulled from this year’s grades 6, 9, and 12 students.  In the K-8 school configuration, PSSA monitors will pull student portfolios for 2017/18’s Grade 5 students (now currently testing Grade 6 students) in that school building visit. As PSSA’s are not administered to Grade 9 students (who were Grade 8 student last year), monitors are only checking for Grade 5 Career Readiness Portfolios during PSSA Monitoring this year.  PDE monitors will not review any portfolios for students who were in grades K-4 or grades 6 or 7 last year.

Dave Dunham

Nancy Stahlschmidt and Alyssa Moore

IU1 Innovation Summer Institute Session June 13- Birdbrain Technologies- Robot Petting Zoo


Save the Date!

PA Computer Science for All Summit 2019

 June 27, June 28, 2019 at the PaTTAN Harrisburg Campus in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.


 The core focus of the summit will be to raise awareness of the importance of computer science education, elevate best practices in providing equitable access to computer science from early childhood to post secondary, highlight the importance of community partnerships, and provide professional learning for educational leaders. 

Would you like to share some of the great work you are doing around CS implementation?  

Submit a proposal here

Rob Baier

August 7-8, 2019

Early bird discount ends on May 1, 2019!

Please share this info with your staff. The lineup of dynamic math sessions is the perfect way to ignite the passion within your math teachers, just in time for the school year to begin!

Sarah D'Urzo

IU1 Fab Lab SPRING Workshops 2019.pdf

Upcoming workshops: 

Learn more at https://sites.google.com/iu1.org/innovationanddesign/workshops

RML Ignite Grants Deadline EXTENDED!!!

Deadline has been extended to Friday, April 12, 2019 at 5:00PM! Grants of up to $1,000. 

Learn more and apply at https://remakelearning.org/grants/

Special Guest:  

11:00 EverFi Presentation - Alyssa Mahramus, Senior Technology Implementation Coach;  amahramus@everfi.com   |   412-397-8383


Presentation Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1E_5_00TkA6Qbq9uA0EKywLfOq2MnG_j_603EXWmXfL4/edit?usp=sharing