December 15, 2021

Jenny Lent

Ron Gallagher

Guest Speaker: 


IU1 Esports Winter Classic


Virtual IU1 School Counselor Meeting

PSSA/Keystone DRC Update

December 1, 2021, the 2021 Spring Keystone District Student Data File is available on the DRC INSIGHT Portal. This file contains performance results for all Spring Keystone student records received. This includes results reported this summer and assessments received after July 15. 

The District Student Data File will be available in a CSV format and will open with your default spreadsheet application, most commonly Microsoft Excel. DRC recommends that this file be saved locally in a secure location and maintained as a “read only” file. DRC will maintain the files on DRC INSIGHT for three years; therefore, it is important to save the file locally. After the data files are archived (files over three years), there is a cost associated with the retrieval.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s memo regarding guidance for interpreting, using, and communicating the 2021 Spring Keystone Exam results has been attached for your reference. This document is also located with the data file.

Parent Letters

The 2021 Spring Keystone Parent Letters will be available on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, using the eMetric Data Interaction system. The Parent Letters are a one-page document that displays an individual student’s results at the school where the student tested.

•   The Parent Letters can be viewed at the school or district level.

•   The Parent Letters can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF.

•   The Parent Letters can be printed and distributed but are not meant to replace the Individual Student Reports (ISRs).

DRC’s Online Enrollment System for the 2022 Spring Keystone Exams will be available December 3-8, 2021, via the DRC INSIGHT Portal

ACT 13 Updates


ACT 158 Updates


The PVAAS Statewide Team for PDE is pleased to announce the availability of new PA Data Powershots. PA Data Powershots are short videos designed to support educators in understanding and using data for decision-making at the district, school, grade/subject, classroom, and student levels. Each PA Data Powershot is focused on a specific concept, skill, report, or data use and can be used by individual educators or with larger groups such as data team meetings or professional learning communities.

The following are PA Data Powershots scheduled for release within the next couple of months click here for more information.

* Calling All Administrators: Yes, You DO Have Data!

Do you feel you're starting all over this school year with no real data to guide you? Explore ways to uncover existing data and re-engage your staff in using that data for action planning this school year.


* Teachers, Start Your Data Engines!

Learn more about making the best use of past and present data to ensure your students are fully engaged and positively participating in the 2021-2022 school year! Let's take a look at various types of data that can be used as you begin and continue through the new school year.


* Using Four Types of Data: Combining Student Learning, Process, Perceptual, and Demographic Data!

Data comes from many sources and is more than just student learning data. Learn how a focus on a broader range of data leads to better decisions and better student outcomes.


* Summative, Formative, Diagnostic, and Benchmark Assessments: An Overview of Type & Purpose

What's more important when looking at student learning data? Summative or formative? Benchmark or diagnostic? Learn why a balanced approach to using all types of assessments is key to supporting positive student outcomes.


* The Three Levels of Data Analysis: School, Subject/Grade, and Student

There are different purposes for analyzing data at the school, subject/grade, and student levels. Learn more about the differences, why all three lenses are needed, and how to establish structures to create all three level of analysis.


* Timing Your Data Team Meetings to Your Assessment Plan

You have your assessments scheduled for the year, but have you aligned your school, grade/subject, and student data meetings to the assessment schedule? Are your assessments analyzed and acted upon in a timely manner? Listen in for some tips!


* Structure Data Meeting Discussions with Focused Protocols

Do you want to have more productive data conversations? Establishing data protocols for school, grade/subject, and student level-data team meetings can support more meaningful dialogue regarding teaching and learning.


* Evaluating and Fine-Tuning Your Assessment Map: A Brief Overview of an Informal Audit Process

You have an assessment plan in place. What questions do you ask to evaluate and fine-tune your map to ensure effective assessments are used at the right time and frequency during the school year?


* It Doesn't Stop at Ticket Out the Door!

Admins, what do your teachers need to know about formative assessment? What do you look for to know if quality checks for understanding are in place and being used to adjust instruction? Explore ways to lead your staff in making the best use of formative assessments!


* Improving Student Outcomes Through Grade and Subject Data Meetings

Data analysis at the grade and/or subject level brings collaboration and consistency in not only the analysis of data, but also on action planning at a system level. Learn how this level of data meetings is essential to a data meeting framework.


* Student-Level Data Meetings with Purpose!

Holding student-level data meetings are a vital part of an established data-driven culture. But who should be part of those meetings? When should students be brought into that conversation? How are protocols helpful in guiding the discussion and documenting actions? Watch and learn more!


* Finding Root Causes: A Focus on Variables Within Our Control!

Getting to the root causes of what we observe in our data trends requires us to shift away from students' weaknesses and instead focus on the variables in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and organization that are within our control - and there are many! View to learn more about guiding teams to address what they can control. 

Local Assessments

Most LEA's should have received an Analysis on Unfinished Teaching & Learning reports 

If you did NOT receive this report it is one of the following reasons:

Keystones and Building Level Scores

ACT 35 

January 7, 2022

Guidance Plans

All Phase 1 LEA's will submit their K-12 Guidance Plan in FCRPP. Due March 30,2022.  More guidance will be coming for Phase 2 and Phase 3 districts.

Phase 1 Districts:





Fort Cherry


Peters Township



Western Area CTC


Next meeting will be January 19th -

Upcoming Workshops:


PETE&C Conference

Family Engagement

Buliding Partners with Families 

Sketch Up Pro is transitioning to Sketch Up for Schools

Alyssa Moore

The Leaflet

Issue No. 2

View for Save the Dates, Science Educator News, and Free resources!

December 2021.pdf

Self Organized Learning Environments (SOLE) is a simple educational approach designed to promote inquiry and foster student empowerment (K-12)

The StartSOLE Process

Today's Big Question: How do good leaders create a culture of innovation?

Science Standards Updates

The Chapter 4 Committee of the State Board of Education met on Wednesday, December 1, to discuss the Recommendations to the Pennsylvania State Board of Education from the Science Standards Content Committee and Steering Committee.  The recommendations included:


 The proposed standards are available for review.

 The State Board of Education will meet on January 12-13, 2022 to discuss the recommendations.

Current 3-Year Implementation Window:

Upcoming MWEE: Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience

The Western PA Intermediate Units are collaborating to provide educators with training and support for this project-based, environmental exploration at no cost to your district. MWEE’s offer problem-based learning opportunities to students that are aligned to the newly proposed Integrated Standards and will assist educators in engaging in the shifts in science education.  Participation requirements are as follows:

Step 1: Teachers complete the on-line Chesapeake Bay NOAA MWEE 101 course (This course is self-paced and participants will receive 3 Act 48 hours.)

Step 2: Teachers attend the MWEE trainings at Jennings Environmental Education Center in Slippery Rock  Registration:

Step 3: In May or June, conduct a school yard, or local area, field exploration with students followed by a classroom lesson in conjunction with your area’s IU STEM Representative and other regional partners of your choosing. (Act 48 will be awarded by IU1 for this time.)

Computer Science Updates

FREE CS in PA K-8 Statewide Cohort Opportunity!

CSinPA K-8 Computer Science Professional Learning Pathway

The CSinPA K-8 Computer Science (CS) Pathway supports K-8 educators involved with CS instruction, whether as stand-alone classes or by integrating CS concepts and practices into other content-area instruction. Participants will explore ways of teaching CS while mastering core CS competencies. Over the course, participants set goals for expanding CS access for students and share artifacts to demonstrate progress towards their goals in the development and implementation of a small-scale implementation pilot.

Target Audience

K-8 educators involved with computer science instruction including: Grade-level teachers, Content-area teachers, Special education teachers, English language (ELL) teachers, Librarians, Specialists, Instructional coaches.

Participants do NOT have to be designated CS or STEM teachers. No prior experience with computer science or computer science instruction is necessary.

Learner Outcomes

Participants will:

Other Resources:

CS Ed Week: December 6-12 #CSinPA 

#CSinPA Computer Science Opportunities, Resources, and Current Events

"Step by Step by Step" a special song about CSinPA created by our friends at BrightNow! (known for their awesome work on Ready, Set, Music!). Stay tuned for accompanying resources and activities you can use to engage learners in CS using "Step by Step by Step." 

Remake Learning Updates:

What if all of us - parents, caregivers, teachers, and community members - saw ourselves as children's "learning allies"? - Remake Learning Days does just that

You can be a learning ally and host an event for youth and families May 12-23, 2022!

Remake Learning Days event submission form is live! 

Did you miss the November webinar?  Check it out here:

Webinar: Designing a Great Event for Families (event hosts)

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: jG670*Kv

Rob Baier

2022 PCTM Annual Conference - Call for Speakers

The 2022 PCTM Annual Conference will be held from July 20-22, 2022 at the Hilton Harrisburg.

PCTM is looking for speakers!

If you, or one of your outstanding math teachers would be interested in presenting, please click this link and submit a proposal!

Fab Lab Educators Virtual Summit

In celebration of International Education Day, eduFAB is bringing together educators from around the world to share best practices, inspiration, and creative solutions for using digital fabrication technologies in support of student learning. Classroom teachers, administrators, makerspace managers, and out of school educators will have opportunities to make connections and share practical ideas and innovations in using these technologies for learning across the curriculum, into the community, and across the globe.

Register today at: 

K-12 All Courses One-Pager Dec 2021.pdf


From Carly Taylor at Everfi: 

As the pandemic continues and our schools struggle to keep up with the staffing shortages, how can we ensure our students remain focused and engaged with quality learning? EVERFI offers free K12 resources with complete lesson plans, pre and post assessments, real time grading, and offline supplemental activities. 

We would like to support your administrators and teachers in a variety of ways. Everything we offer is paid for by both local and national sponsors so there is never a cost for the districts.

Several options districts have been interested in:

Which option works best for you? I am also happy to hop on the phone to answer questions and provide further information. 


Carly Taylor

EVERFI K-12 Team 

Carly Taylor - Everfi