October 21, 2020

Jenny Lent

Craig Hummell


Future Ready PA Index - information released 

A-TSI Reporting

Quarterly progress monitoring reports are REQUIRED of all A-TSI schools and completed in the FRCPP - the first due date for Q1 is now on November 20, 2020.  We will review the requirements for reporting at our October 29 A-TSI Regional Network session.

Compulsory attendance (Scott Kuren)

Comprehensive Planing Update

Career Readiness:

Please join us for a virtual webinar with Laura Fridirici, Career Readiness Advisor, PDE, as she shares updates on the Career Ready PA Coalition and provides technical support for the Career Readiness and Industry-Based Learning Indicator. Topics include updated guidance for Identifying and Reporting Industry Credentials for Non-CTE Students, portfolio evidence collection and requirements, and resources.

Please forward this information to those who participate in Career Readiness in your schools and districts!

Friday, October 23


No fee to participate

 Registration - https://aiu3.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jvrGS3JXSGCUOfFxtiCRUw

 Also, please add this link to the PDE SAS website at:  https://www.pdesas.org/ for Career Ready Community

PVAAS - Click to Link

Other October Items:

2020 Civics Summit October 28 (PM) (12-3) and October 30 (AM)(9-12)

Covid 19 Remote Learning Grant for Social Studies 


Social Studies Teacher Regional Network Session -  8:30-11:30  https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/3151202348 



Further Assessment clarification from Mr. Brian Campbell:

Question:  A student who was enrolled in a Keystone trigger course during the pandemic.  They take the Keystone this spring while NOT enrolled in a trigger course – will their performance factor into federal accountability and state reporting, graduation, and other local policy decisions? 

Answer:  A student who is registered in the identified Keystone trigger course in the 2019-20 school year is exempt from accountability calculations (proficiency, participation, AMD) regardless of when (or if) they take the exam.

Baring a legislative change (one is proposed), the students ARE still under Act 158 graduation requirements—they would either have to participate in a voluntary re-take (which would not count toward accountability) or graduate under the Alternative Assessment, Evidence Based, or Career and Tech pathways which do not require 3 Keystone scores.

The difference is that accountability is a Federal mandate, and the waiver was issued by USDE. Graduation is a State requirement, that requires a school-code change to waive.

So the answer to the question below is No, it won’t count for accountability, but it could effect graduation. That’s why I separated them out in my explanation. Hope this is clear and helpful. Feel free to reach out for any follow-up you need.


School Climate Resource Links:

Toolkit Sections For Career Ready Skills:

Guidelines for Re-entry from Covid 19


Released in August:  PDE released the Equitable Practices Hub this week - https://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/equityandinclusion/EPH/Pages/default.aspx.  

Of particular interest and relevance to schools working through a continuous cycle of improvement is the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC) – Criteria for an Equitable School Tool - 


Along with a companion Action Planning Guide:

companion action planning guide 


3 Different Grants to apply for, all in eGrants, all separate applications (Due Nov 2)*:


JoBeth McKee and Dave Dunham

Prioritized ELA Standards

Check out The Learning Network from The New York Times. Their Current Events Conversations publish teenage comments in response to recent writing prompts, and include an invitation to join the ongoing conversation. The Learning Network provides free lesson plans, writing prompts and activities for students all based on NY Times journalism. This is an excellent teaching resource, and a great medium for student writers.

Dave Dunham

2020-2021 PD Offerings

If you have other requests, please ask!

If you are interested in any of these offerings at your school, email me: robert.baier@iu1.org 

Alyssa Moore

StartSOLE:  https://startsole.org/

Computer Science Updates

National Family Code Night

The #CSinPA team is pleased to partner with CS is Elementary and invite every elementary school in Pennsylvania to participate in National Family Code Nights, a free virtual family learning event. 

Even when in-person gatherings might not be possible, any K-5 school community can share this wonderful learning experience, where children pair up with their parents or adults in the home to do an hour of coding, together. It’s great fun, proven in thousands of schools nationwide, and now available via a live-stream. Each National Family Code Night will feature a live prize drawing for a home robotics bundle from Wonder Workshop. (Yay, free stuff for students!)

Signing up for a Family Code Night is easy.

Pick a date and share a ready-made event invitation with students and families. That’s it. No other set-up, prep work, or anything else required.

Family Code Night puts your school on the map. 

Literally. Participating schools are featured on an interactive map on the CS is Elementary website (the map will soon be embedded in our PA CS Toolkit webpages, too). The map lets you show off your school’s commitment to CS education and see what other schools are doing.

 There are 10 National Family Code Night events between October 19 - December 9, and we’d love to see PA families at all of them!

Family Code Night Dates (by week)

7-12 CS Certification Update

#CSforAllPA Monthly Meet-Ups

#CSforAllPA represents Pennsylvania’s efforts in striving for equitable computer science (CS) education for all students including students of color, historically underrepresented populations, English language learners, and students with disabilities.

The #CSforAllPA series of meet-ups consists of discussions on CS education in Pennsylvania. Moderated by a PaTTAN CSforAllPA consultant, each session invites participants to share challenges, experiences, and strategies with one another.

Upcoming Meet-Ups

 #CSforAllPA monthly meet-ups have been scheduled for the fall: 

October 21,  3:00 - 4:00 pm: CS for Good

November 18, 3:00 - 4:00 pm: Preparing for CS Education Week

December 16, 3:00 - 4:00 pm:  CS Reflections & Resolutions 


Student Competitions

Check out the flyer to see the Student Competitions IU1 will be offering. All competitions will be virtual. 

Registration for the Governor's STEM Competition is open and will close in November. To register click the link below: 


Live Virtual Tour with Range Resources & BotsIQ

BotsIQ and Range Resources are partnering up to host a live virtual tour of a Range drilling rig and production site! This event will also be recorded if you and your students would like to view it at a later date.

Link to register: https://www.jotform.com/conklin/botsiq-mfg-events

Once you register, you will receive more detailed information directly from BotsIQ about a week out from our event. You’ll see an option to choose the Range tour when you scroll down a bit.

Here are the details:

Monday, October 19, 1-2 p.m.

Approximate Agenda:

If you have any questions contact: 

Christina Kramer, Range Resources Corporation, Public Affairs

Remake Learning Days