April 21, 2020

Jenny Lent


Craig Hummell

Training Dates and Cancellations

Click here for a link to the IU 1 Virtual Training Spreadsheet for links to Zoom sessions:

4/7 at 2:00 & 4/16 at 1:00 Office Hours

4/9 at 2:00 & 4/15 at 1:00 eResources and updates for Career Readiness

4/9 at 8:30 Office Hours

4/15 at 11:00 - A-TSI Processes and review Zoom Session

4/22 at 11:00 AM - CAH Office Hours

4/22 PM - Career Readiness/School Counselor Support Session Zoom, Social Studies Support Session Zoom

TBA (but soon!) - Comp Planning sessions for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Schools

Cancelled:  Business Teachers RN, Gifted Network, A-TSI RN, School Climate RN, Soc St RN, 2020 Academic Competition

Jo Beth McKee

David Dunham



Librarian PLC Wednesday 1:00

ELA PLC Wednesday 11:00

Rob Baier

Nancy Stahlschmidt

Alyssa Moore

Sarah D'Urzo