Session 5.A

Set Up

Create a new project

Name it "5.0 EV3 Testing" and share it. Email the link to your partner

How can you program a robot?

Connect your robot with Bluetooth to your laptop.

Connect your laptop to your EV3 Lego Brain

Note: you must use the same laptop and EV3 everyday so that you will not have to continually do this setup.

1. Install the Scratch Link. Select the Direct Download link. IT SHOULD ALREADY BE INSTALLED!

2. Click on the windows icon in the bottom right of your desktop.

3. Click on settings icon.

4. Click on Devices. Note it will take a while for this to load.

6. Select Bluetooth

5. Make sure Bluetooth is on, then click on Add Bluetooth or other device

7. Wait for your EV3 number to pop up. It should be the digits plus the word for the number like: "10TEN"

On the EV3 Brain, you will have to accept, then select a password you enter on your laptop.

Add Lego EV3 Commands

1. Ensure that Scratch Link is running on your computer.

2. Click on the + in the bottom left.

4. Select your Bluetooth connected device

Make sure it is on and you have previously connected it.


5. If you ever lose connection, or come back a day later, you can connect by first making sure the Scratch Link is running on the laptop then clicking the exclamation point.