Session 4.6

Game Control Challenges


Get into game design by adding extended features within your Scratch project! Try each of these mini-challenges to add features to a simple Scratch Cat game

Tackle these nine puzzles that engage some of the more advanced concepts in Scratch related to interactivity. Each of these challenges has several possible solutions.

Note controls are:

  • Left: A
  • Right: D
  • Jump: W

Remix this Project and complete the following Challenges

  1. Make it so that when the user clicks on the Start sprite, the Start sprite is hidden and the game starts (broadcasts).
  2. Whenever the arrow hits Scratch Cat, the score should subtract 1 point.
  3. When the Scratch Cat touches the apple, it should add a point, but only 1 point at a time.
  4. Whenever you press the B key, the sprite gets a little bigger. Whenever you press the S key, the sprite gets a little smaller. The Scratch Cat starts at a set size when the game starts.
  5. Whenever you click on the background a new flower sprite, or small sprite of your choice, appears at that spot; hint, use cloning.
    • The flower clone is deleted when the Scratch cat runs into it.
  6. Whenever the score becomes 10, the apple and arrow hide and the background changes and you tell the user they won!
  7. Make a reset button sprite:
    • sets score to zero
    • changes background to forest
    • puts Scratch Cat on the left with zero velocities
    • shows the apple and arrow

Feeling Stuck?

  • If you can’t see your clone initially, check if the original sprite is in the same location – it might be covering the clone! Program your original sprite or the clone to move or go to different locations so you can see them.
  • Keep track of your work! This can be a useful reminder of what you have already tried and point you toward what to try next.
  • Work with a neighbor. Collaborating with a partner can be a great way to solve problems and gain new perspectives on ways of programming in Scratch!


  • Help a neighbor!
  • Discuss your strategies for approaching each puzzle with a partner. Take notes about the similarities and differences in your methods.