Exam Prompts

During the Exam, students are given 60 minutes to complete four prompts that require students to write responses that demonstrate understanding of their personal Create performance task. Students will have access to their student-authored Personalized Project Reference, as long as it was submitted as final via the AP Digital Portfolio, when responding to these prompts. 

One question from each of the prompt categories (1, 2a, 2b, 2c) listed below will appear on the end-of-course exam. The specific prompts will vary across the different versions of the exam. 

AP Video on Exam Prompt Categories (must log in).

Students should be prepared to respond to prompts about their program that assess any of the following learning objectives below.

1. Program Design, Function, and Purpose 

Create Performance Task - 2024

2a. Algorithm Development

Create Performance Task - 2024

2b. Errors and Testing

Create Performance Task - 2024

2c. Data and Procedural Abstraction

Create Performance Task - 2024