Session 1.1

Sign up & Tutorial Step-By-Steps

1. You will need a Scratch account to create, save, and share your Scratch projects. Go to and create a new account "Join Scratch"

Or Sign In if you already have an account.

Community Guidelines

You must follow the Scratch Community Guidelines as you use this site. They are generally good rules of thumb for most online stuff.

Note: your username, and all interactions on Scratch, must be school appropriate. Past students' projects have been deleted, and one's whole account was deleted, because they were inappropriate and they had to start all over.

2. Once you are signed in, click on "Create" in the top left.

3. Change the title to "0.1 Tutorials", and click on "Share"

4. This will bring you to the project page, you will need to use this page to turn in the URL

To get back to the code, click "See Inside"

5. For this starting project, you will follow the tutorials found by clicking the Light Bulb "Tutorials" at the top.

6. Your task is to work on 4 tutorials. The top 3, plus one more. If you have already done the top 3, then work on 4 of your choice.

You may ask for help from anyone in the class.

7. As you finish each tutorial, make sure you share them, then copy the URL into the Google Doc on Classroom. The URL should look like: