Project: Picture Drawing


This is performance task requires you to develop a Picture Drawing App similar to the Paint Pot from this unit. You may work individually or make a similar app as a partner (you must each do your own app). For this project you may seek guidance from TClark or other students.

NOTE: You should continue from Paint Pot B and use the code you've already done for those assignments and make it better.

Project Directions

  • You are to create a Picture Drawing app

  • 4+ different colors

  • dotSize changeable + or -

    • No negative dotSize

    • dotSize reset button

    • abstract procedure "displayDotSize"

  • Share image & drawing capability

  • Custom images & photo capability (DO NOT USE .JFIF)

  • 2 extra creative enhancements. Some options include

App Requirements

  • App Title (change the screen1 title property)

  • All components and media must be named clearly

  • Code must be organized neatly (code clusters)

  • The app must not be larger than 5MB, so any media you get needs to be resized to be smaller images, etc.

What is Due

  1. Video: One video that demonstrates the running of your app and highlights the features of your app. Your video must not exceed 1 minute in length and must not exceed 30 MB in size.

  2. Written Response: One PDF that responds to the prompts listed below. Template

  3. Program Code: One PDF that has screenshots of all your blocks. Template 3

  4. AIA File

Upload all files into a new Google Drive folder for this project, then select from My Drive in the Google Form.

Upload all files into a new Google Drive folder for this project, then select from My Drive in the Google Form.

Written Response Directions - Template

A - Provide a written response or audio narration in your video that:

    1. Identifies the programming language (MIT App Inventor)

    2. Identifies the purpose of your program and your enhancements

    3. Explains what the video illustrates

(Must not exceed 150 words)

Create Performance Task 2020

B1. Describe the incremental and iterative development process of your program code. What is the overall core functionality of your program? What features/enhancements did you add in what order. How did you go about troubleshooting problems that arose?

(Must not exceed 100 words)

B2 - Describe two distinct points in the development process: any combination of difficulties and/or opportunities you encountered and how you resolved them with code. In your description clearly indicate that your code development is for code you developed independently.

(Must not exceed 100 words)

Create Performance Task 2020

C - Select and write about an algorithm that integrates (calls) at least two other supporting algorithms, and integrates mathematical (+, -, *, /) and logical (Boolean true/false) concepts. Describe how each of the supporting algorithms functions independently, as well as in how they function within the selected algorithm to achieve the intended purpose of the program.

Mark these algorithm blocks with ovals in Program Code pdf.

(Must not exceed 200 words)

Create Performance Task 2020

Grading Points

  1. Video showing your app running.

  2. Response A

    • Identifies the purpose of the program (i.e. what the program is attempting to do, and your enhancements).

  3. Response B

    • Describes or outlines steps used in the incremental and iterative development process to create the entire program.

  4. Response B

    • Specifically identifies at least two program development difficulties or opportunities.

          • AND

    • Describes how the two identified difficulties or opportunities are resolved or incorporated.

  5. Response C

    • Selected code segment implements an algorithm(using sequencing, selection or iteration).

  6. Response C

    • Selected code segment implements an algorithm that uses mathematical (+, -, *, /) and logical (Boolean true/false) concepts.

          • AND

    • Response explains explains how the selected algorithm functions.

          • AND

    • Describes what the selected algorithm does in relation to the overall purpose of the program.

  7. Response C

    • Selected algorithm includes at least two or more supporting algorithms (calls).

          • AND

    • At least one of the supporting algorithms also uses mathematical (+, -, *, /) and logical (Boolean true/false) concepts.

          • AND

    • Explains how the two supporting algorithms function independently.

  8. Program Code

    • The code blocks are nicely formatted and legible with the code blocks used for Response C marked with an oval.

  9. AIA and APK files submitted and working.