Creative App Project

Create Practice

You can work on your own, or with one partner.

The Project you work on in the Spring will be an individual project.

Written Response Template

Create Practice Directions
  1. Think of an app you want to create.
    • Do you want to create a game?
    • Do you want to create an app to solve a problem?
    • Do you want to create an informational app?
    • There is no limit to what you can create for the Congressional App Challenge.
    • Note: think of the capabilities of app inventor you have used in previous projects and mini-projects and don't bite off more than you can chew. There is a time limit and due date for both the app and the write up.
  2. Draw a sketch of the user interface (what the app will look like), either on paper or using Google Draw.
    • What will your app look like?
    • What does it need to accomplish?
  3. Complete the Brainstorm: Create Practice PT
  4. Create your App!
    • Make your app running with the main features first.
    • Add features/enhancements one at a time, to make sure it still works as you make it more and more awesome.
    • Back up your project daily, either by downloading the .aia file and putting on your Google Drive, and/or creating Checkpoints.
  5. Make sure your app has a procedure you are calling in multiple places.
    • They must have if statements and/or loops.
    • They must have math/arithmetic.
  6. Make sure your app has a procedure or event handler, that calls two or more separate procedures you made.
    • All 3+ must have if statements and/or loops.
    • All 3+ must have math/arithmetic.
  7. Create a video of your app running should be at least 20 seconds and no more than 59 seconds.
    • Can go out in hall to record.
    • Should be clear what your app does.
    • Should look nice: not shaky and not covered with fingers/hands/etc.
    • Must make your own video, even if working in a group.
    • Note: do not try to shorten the video length because the files size it too large. There are online resources that can help you compress the video file to less than 30MB:
  8. Use this Template to answer the prompts for the write up.
  9. Submit your video (less than 30MB), written response pdf, code pdf, and apk & aia files.
  10. If you would like to participate in the Congressional App Challenge, you must complete that written response separately and should take a longer video for it.


Program Requirements

Your program must demonstrate a variety of capabilities and implement several different language features that, when combined, produce a result that cannot be easily accomplished without computing tools and techniques. Your program should draw upon mathematical and logical concepts, such as use of numbers, variables, mathematical expressions with arithmetic operators, logical and Boolean operators and expressions, decision statements, iteration, and/or collections.

Your program must demonstrate:

  • use of several effectively integrated mathematical and logical concepts, from the language you are using.
  • implementation of an algorithm that integrates two or more algorithms and integrates mathematical and/or logical concepts; step 6 above.
  • development and use of abstractions to manage the complexity of your program (e.g. procedures, abstractions provided by the programming language, APIs); step 5 above.

What is Due

  1. Individual Video: One video that demonstrates the running of your app and highlights the features of your app. Your video must not exceed 1 minute in length and must not exceed 30 MB in size.
  2. Individual Written Response: One PDF that responds to the prompts listed below. Template
  3. Program Code: One PDF that has screenshots of all your blocks. Template 3
  4. AIA File

Upload all files into a new Google Drive folder for this project, then select from My Drive in the Google Form.

Upload all files into a new Google Drive folder for this project, then select from My Drive in the Google Form.

Program Code - Template

3. Capture and paste your entire program code in this section.

    • Mark with an oval the segment of program code that implements the algorithm you created for your program that integrates other algorithms and integrates mathematical and /or logical concepts.
    • Mark with a rectangle the segment of program code that represents an abstraction you developed.
    • Include comments or citations for program code that has been written by someone else.
Create Performance Task 2020

2. Program Purpose & Development - Template

A. Provide a written response or audio narration in your video that:

    • identifies the programming language
    • identifies the purpose of your program
    • explains what the video illustrates

(Must not exceed 150 words)

Create Performance Task 2020

B1. Describe the incremental and iterative development process of your program code. What is the overall core functionality of your program? What features/enhancements did you add in what order. How did you go about troubleshooting problems that arose?

(Must not exceed 100 words)

B2 - Describe two distinct points in the development process: any combination of difficulties and/or opportunities you encountered and how you resolved them with code. In your description clearly indicate that your code development is for code you developed independently.

(Must not exceed 100 words)

Create Performance Task 2020

C. Capture and paste a program code segment that implements an algorithm (marked with an oval in section 3 below) and that is fundamental for your program to achieve its intended purpose. This code segment must be an algorithm you developed individually on your own, must include two or more algorithms, and must integrate mathematical and/or logical concepts. Describe how each algorithm within your selected algorithm functions independently, as well as in combination with others, to form a new algorithm that helps to achieve the intended purpose of the program.

(Must not exceed 200 words)

Create Performance Task 2020

D. Capture and paste a program code segment that contains an abstraction you developed individually on your own (marked with a rectangle in section 3 below). This abstraction must integrate mathematical and logical concepts. Explain how your abstraction helped manage the complexity of your program.

(Must not exceed 200 words)

Create Performance Task 2020

E. In one paragraph answer the following questions if you were in a group:

    • If you had done this yourself, would the outcome have been better or worse?
    • In what ways was the group more effective than an individual working alone would have been?
    • What is one skill you have that you feel really benefited the group?
    • What was the greatest challenge you had as a group?
    • If you could pick one person in the group to whom to give a specific compliment about their work in the group, who would it be and what would you say?

(Must not exceed 200 words)

AP Computer Science Principles Policy on Plagiarism

A student who fails to acknowledge (i.e., through citation, through attribution, by reference, and/or through acknowledgment in a bibliographic entry) the source or author of any and all information or evidence taken from the work of someone else will receive a score of 0 on that performance task.