California CS Standards


The CA CS Standards are organized by grade level, you can change grade level sheet by clicking the bottom.

High School has two set of standards: One set is for computer science, "specialty," elective courses, and the other set is for all other content classes not focussed on computer science.

Five Core Concepts

  1. Computing Systems (CS)

  2. Networks and the Internet (NI)

  3. Data and Analysis (DA)

  4. Algorithms and Programming (AP)

  5. Impacts of Computing (IC)

Seven Core Practices

  1. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems

  2. Developing and Using Abstractions

  3. Creating Computational Artifacts

  4. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts

    • Note: The first four practices are practices for Computational Thinking

  5. Fostering and Inclusive Culture

  6. Collaborating Around Computing

  7. Communicating Around Computing