Basic Internet Concepts


The Internet is one of the seven Big Ideas of the CS Principles (CSP) curriculum and rightly so: The Internet has had a tremendous impact on our lives and on modern society. Yet, despite its impact and influence, most people do not really understand what the Internet is and how it works.

We introduced the Internet earlier, where we covered the following points:

This lesson provides a high-level overview of some of the Internet's and WWW's key concepts and terminology. A follow-up lesson will go into greater detail in explaining how the Internet works.

Technical Terminology

Basic Concepts and Terminology

Earlier we defined the Internet as a network of disparate networks that is governed by systems of rules, known as protocols. In this first presentation we'll see some examples of different types of networks (ethernet, token-ring, wifi) and we'll learn about the role that special computers known as routers play in enabling communication between different types of networks.

Internet Basics - Video

Internet Basics - Slides

The Internet - A

Answer the following questions:

Client/Server Model

When you are using the Internet to read email or visit a web site, your device (phone or tablet or computer) is playing the role of a client. It is using client software, such as a web browser or email application to communicate with a server, which is computer on the Internet that provides a specific service, such as email or web browsing. Clients and servers are the end points of the end-to-end architecture that connects devices over the network. In this next presentation we'll look at how communication occurs between a client and server using the HTTP Protocol

Client/Server Model - Video

Client/Server Model - Slides

The Internet - B

Activity: Client Server

The above lecture described the client/server model as it applies to accessing a Web page. Our App Inventor programming platform is another example of this model. Using this picture as a model, work out the details of what happens when you open an existing project in CMU.

Internet Abstraction Hierarchy

There are a lot of protocols! The Internet was designed with several layers of abstraction that sort the protocols according to what part of the process they support. This hierarchy of abstractions manages the complexity of the Internet by hiding the details of lower levels of the system:

These are all open standards: anyone can look up a protocol and code with it to make new hardware or software without anyone's permission. The Internet is probably the largest and most complicated artifact in human history, and it relies on cooperation. Despite some governments' attempts to censor the net, the big picture is one of strong cooperative spirit.

The Power of Open Protocols

The growth of the Internet has been fueled by open protocols, standards that are not owned by a company.

Examples of open protocols:

The protocols for the Internet change over time. The Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF, are the experts in charge of developing and approving these protocols. ICANN controls the DNS hierarchy and the allocation of IP addresses.

Who's In Charge of the Internet?

Some people think that nobody's in charge of the Internet—that everyone just cooperates freely with no central organization. It's true that free cooperation plays an important role, but people can't just pick any IP address or host name they want, or else there would be conflicts. Until 2009, the Internet domain name hierarchy was entirely controlled by the United States government, with the details delegated to ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

In 2009 the US Department of Commerce signed a new agreement with ICANN recognizing it as an independent, multinational organization, although it is still under contract with the Department of Commerce to maintain certain principles. International critics are still not satisfied that ICANN is truly independent of the United States.

The Issue of US Control

If you think it's strange for one country to control a worldwide network, you're not alone. Other countries have never been happy about the US control of the Internet, which was officially under US control until 2009 and is still, according to many critics, unofficially dominated by the US government.

For example until 2009, all DNS domain names had to use the English alphabet, despite constant requests to accommodate other languages.

The issue of US control has become much more heated since 2013 when Edward Snowden exposed the US National Security Agency (NSA) for spying on Internet traffic worldwide. It's too soon to know how these concerns will eventually be resolved.

Internet Performance

In this next presentation we learn about two important measures of Internet performance. The first, bandwidth, refers to the amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time and is usually measured in kilobits or megabits per second. The second, latency, refers to how long it takes a packet of data to go from its source (e.g., a client) to its destination (e.g., a server). You'll be introduced to some easy-to-use tools that will enable you to measure bandwidth and latency from your home or school networks. 

Internet Performance - Video

Internet Performance - Slides

The Internet - C

Activity: Measuring Bandwidth

As you learned in the slide presentation bandwidth is a measure of a network's speed measured in bits per second.