Session 3.3


Create a new project

Name it "3.3 Scenes" and share it

What is the difference between the stage and sprites?

In this activity, you will create a project that experiments with backdrops, like a story with multiple scenes or a slideshow.

Start Here

  • Choose from the library, paint, or upload multiple backdrops into your project.

  • Experiment with blocks from the Looks and Events categories to initiate switching backdrops.
  • Add scripts to the stage and sprites to coordinate what happens when the backdrop changes in your project!
  • !!!TClark HINT!!! Keep using broadcasts for different scenes...
    • DO NOT USE when backdrop switches

press a to attack scratch cat

Requirements & Guidelines

  • Create a mini story where the scenes (backgrounds) change either in response to the story or in response to user interaction (or both!)
  • Add movement and animation.

Feeling Stuck? Things to Try:

  • Look for blocks under the sprites and the stage related to backdrop and test them out to see what they do!


  • Challenge yourself to do more! Add more backdrop changes to your project.
  • Help a neighbor!
  • Return to one of your previous projects or find a project you are inspired by and remix it by adding switching backdrops.