CMU has a symbols font, where you can insert special character codes as a Label value. Then you can simply use that object as if it were a sprite.
Below is some example code that makes the symbols to the right, followed by many lists of symbols with their codes.
soccerBallSymbol = chr(0x26bd)
ball = Label(soccerBallSymbol, 20, 20, size=40, font='symbols')
catSymbol = chr(0x1f408)
cat = Label(catSymbol, 60, 20, size=40, font='symbols', fill="red")
wandSymbol = chr(0x1fa84)
wand = Label(wandSymbol, 100, 20, size=40, font='symbols', fill=gradient("blue", "yellow"))
wKingSymbol = chr(0x2654)
whiteKing = Label(wKingSymbol, 140, 20, size=40, font='symbols')
bQueenSymbol = chr(0x265b)
blackQueen= Label(bQueenSymbol, 180, 20, size=40, font='symbols')
dice1Symbol = chr(0x2680)
dice1 = Label(dice1Symbol, 220, 20, size=40, font='symbols')
hAceSymbol = chr(0x1f0b1)
aceHearts = Label(hAceSymbol, 260, 20, size=40, font='symbols', fill="red")