Session 2.2

Orange Square + Purple Circle

Create a new project

Name it "2.2 Orange Purple" and share it.

What project can you create that includes an orange square and a purple circle?

In this challenge, you’ll create a project that includes an orange square and a purple circle. What will you create?

Start Here

  • Create and draw your sprites using the Paint Editor.
  • Repeat for the purple sprite.
    • (need 2+ different sprites, NOT different costumes)

  • Add different Looks and Motion blocks to bring your sprites to life.

Requirements & Guidelines

  • Create one sprite that is a square and one sprite that is a circle (draw your own shapes)
  • Use the "Change effect" block to make it interesting
    • remember to use the "wait seconds" control block so the effects are discernible
  • Make it interesting!

Feeling Stuck? Things to Try:

  • Try brainstorming with a neighbor!
  • Create a list of things you would like to try before you start building your project in Scratch!
  • Explore other projects to see what others are doing in Scratch – this can be a great way to find inspiration!


  • Explore the difference between bitmap mode and vector mode, located at the bottom of the paint editor.
  • Challenge yourself to do more! Add another shape or color.
  • Swap projects with a partner and remix each other’s creations.
  • Help a neighbor!