Program Video

Take a video of your program running

  (20 seconds MIN → 60 seconds MAX)


Before doing anything you must install the screencastify extension, or your own screen recording software:

@GILROYUNIFIED.ORG Account + Screencastify

If using an account you MUST do these three things to ensure it works:

After Recording the Video

Click on the circled i for information such as length and file size.

DO NOT Publish to YouTube unless directed to do so by the directions. You MUST keep the Create Task private until you receive your AP Score.

Record Code Video + Tips

Good example how to create and edit a video of your program. Resulting video is below

Compress the media file!

Make it a smaller file size. You may use this online tool to compress your video file:

Create Task Directions

Making a video of your program run - Dr. Wu

Record with Powerpoint (2016+)

1. Click on the Insert menu.

2. Click on Screen Recording

3. Select area to just the app screen. Then Record

4. To stop click the button at top  or, press the key macro: Windows key + Shift + Q

5. Right click on the powerpoint video and select Save Media as...