Session 1.4

About Me

Create a new project

Name it "1.4 About Me" and share it

How can you combine interesting images and sounds to make an interactive collage about yourself?

Experiment with sprites, costumes, backdrops, looks, and sounds to create an interactive Scratch project -- a project that helps other people learn more about YOU and the ideas, activities, and people that you care about.

Start Here

  • Create a sprite.
  • Make it interactive.
  • Repeat

Make your sprite interactive by adding scripts that have the sprite respond to clicks, key presses, and more!

Requirements & Guidelines

You may use any blocks you would like, the ones above and other ones you have discovered.

  • You must have 5 sprites
  • You must have 3 interactive responses
  • You must have a backdrop
  • These are for minimum 70%...Make it better for a better grade.

Feeling Stuck? Things to Try:

  • Use costumes to change how your sprite looks.
  • Create different backdrops.
  • Try adding sound to your project.
  • Try adding movement into your collage.
  • Blocks to play around with:


  • Challenge yourself to do more! Play with adding new blocks, sound, or motion!
  • Help a neighbor!
  • Create a Portfolio Google Site and embed your 1.4 Scratch project.