


Getting Started

A. Download the Starter Code

B. In AppInventor, click on the Projects drop down menu 

For each of the following problems, code the solution in the Blocks Editor. Then run and test your solution. Keep running and testing until you are certain that it is correct. Each problem should have its solution displayed in the specific label for it. 

Goals & Requirements

0. Rename the Screen1.Title to your name. 

1. Display the State of the Checkbox. When the TestIt button is clicked, set the LabelOutput’s Text to the value of the Highlight CheckBox’s Checked property. It will display either true or false

2. Display the State of the Checkbox with Color. When the TestIt button is clicked, set its BackgroundColor to your favorite color. Make it so that one color is set if Highlight is Checked and a different color is set if Highlight is not Checked. For example:

3. Display the State of the Checkbox with Color and Sound. When the TestIt button is clicked, play the C_Sound. The result should look the same (but you should hear a sound too). Note: the C_Sound should only play if the Checkbox is checked. You'll need an if control block. 

4. As it is currently designed the App uses two Sound components to play two different sounds. Modify your solution to the previous exercise so that it works exactly the same way but uses a single Sound component.

This is fine but there’s another way to do this. Instead of using two components, a single Sound can be used to play two different sounds by changing its Source property.

TClark hint: connect a text block with the filename typed out. 

Show TClark your completed app, then turn in all the files in the form.