Create a Portfolio

with Google Sites

Make it yours! Explore Google Sites and see what features you can add!

Here are some examples of what you can do with Google Sites

  • Change the theme

  • Change background image/color of each section on a page

  • Click the gear on the top navigation to switch to a side navigation

  • Create and add a logo for the upper left

  • Create new pages/sections for your other classes and projects in all classes

    • You can add pages 4 levels deep, so have a top page for each class (English, Math, Science, ...) or for each year (9th, 10th, ...)

    • Then under those pages you can add subpages and subsubpages for each category

  • Maybe add a page tolink to your friends' Scratch projects or portfolio webpage

  • You can embed images, Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, PDF, YouTube, Desmos, Scratch, Khan Academy, code

  • Make sure your site only has acceptable materials on it

    • You will be sharing this with teachers and parents/guardians!