Computer Scientist Research


Today, we can not imagine our world without computers. Do you know that early computers did not look like the computers of today. In fact some of the first computers were people! Human computers! The history of computers is fascinating. This is your chance to learn more.

1. Pick a Computer Scientist

Your task is to choose either a historical computer scientist pioneer, a current influential computer scientist, or a family member or close/family friend who is a computer scientist.

Some lists of influential computer scientists are provided below, you are not limited to innovators on these lists.

2. Research your Computer Scientist

Search for your person using two or more sources, then present their info on a new portfolio page. You may use wikipedia, company bios, YouTube, and other sources.

3. Add a Page to your Google Site Portfolio

Create a page on your Google Site Portfolio that presents your research into this computer scientist. Do not create a new Google Site.

It must include:

  1. Person's Name

  2. 4+ pictures or videos which show inventions, ideas or other contributions.

  3. A paragraph, 3+ sentences, describing describing their college/university.

      • Where did they go to college?

      • What were they studying, what was their degree?

      • Did they graduate, what year?

      • If they didn't graduate, why not?

  4. A paragraph, 3+ sentences, describing what companies they worked for or created?

      • If they were in the military or government, what service or office did they work in?

  5. A paragraph, 3+ sentences, describing the contributions to computer science that person made?

      • When did they make these contributions?

      • What are they working on now?

  6. 2+ sources. You must also give credit/link to any images or videos you used.