1. Program Design, Function, and Purpose 

Explain how the input to your program is received and how expected corresponding output(s) are produced as a result.

Scoring Criteria:

The written response:

Decision Rules:

Consider Written Response 1 and the student's Program Code when scoring this point.

Do NOT award a point if the following is true:

2a. Algorithm Development

Consider the first conditional statement included in the Procedure section of your Personalized Project Reference. Describe a condition that will cause the body of this conditional statement to execute and describe the result of the statement's execution in the context of the program.

Scoring Criteria:

The written response:


Decision Rules:

Consider the Personalized Project Reference and Written Response 2a when scoring this point.

Do NOT award a point if the following is true:

2b. Errors and Testing 

Consider the procedure identified in part (i) of the Procedure section of your Personalized Project Reference. Describe a call to the procedure and explain what behavior this call can be used to test in your program.

Scoring Criteria:

The written response:

Decision Rules:

Consider the Personalized Project Reference and Written Response 2b)when scoring this point.

Do NOT award a point if any one or more of the following is true:

2c. Data and Procedural Abstraction 

Consider the list identified in the List section of your Personalized Project Reference. Describe how your program could be written without the use of a list. If it is not possible for your program to work without the use of a list, describe how your program's functionality would be limited.

Scoring Criteria:

The written response:


Decision Rules:

Consider the Personalized Project Reference and Written Response 2c when scoring this point.

Do NOT award a point if the following is true: