Flyer Workout 2

Workout 2

Focus: Legs and Abs

Run for 2 minutes

In gym/driveway:

Down and back lateral duck walk

Down and back walking lunges with kick

Down and back leg march

HIIT Legs:

30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest. Repeat 3 times.

Mountain climbers

Cross back lunges

Sumo squats

Split jumps


Wall leg raises right leg

Wall leg raises left leg

Facing wall side leg raises, right leg

Facing wall side leg raises, left leg


Get water. Stretch hamstrings.


30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest. Repeat 2 times.

Push ups

High plank hold

High plank shoulder taps

High plank jacks

Penguin toe touches

Right crunches

Left crunches


Reverse crunches



Run for 2 minutes.


Right split 1 minute

Left split 1 minute

45 second bridge

5 right heel stretches

5 left heel stretches

15 single leg deadlift to lib (each leg)

5 scales on-count (5, 6, 7, 8, grab 1, pull 3, clean 7, 8)

5 scorpions on-count (5, 6, 7, 8, grab 1, pull 3, clean 7, 8)