HIIT Workout 2: Running

HIIT Workout 2: Running Outdoors

This workout works best with a phone timer or a smart watch interval timer.

5 minute warm up jog (30% effort)

30 second sprint (90% effort)

30 second recovery jog (30% effort)

1 minute high jump skips (80% effort) - skip with knees at 90 degrees and reach alternate arm up to sky

1 minute jog (30% effort)

3 minute run (50% effort)

1 minute sprint (90% effort)

1 minute recovery jog (30% effort)

30 seconds of burpees (80% effort)

30 seconds of walking lunges (50% effort)

30 seconds of jump squats (80% effort)

30 seconds skipping (50% effort)

2 minute run (50% effort)

1 minute spring (90% effort)

2 minutes recovery jog (30% effort)